Instead they'll blame it on Climate Change / Global Warming and tell us we need even more geoengineering and stratospheric aerosols injections/solar radiation management (aka chemtrails).
They are going public after 20 years of clandestine tests. They even already know all the costs and implications.
Although the Caribbean is often hit by hurricanes and storms couldn't help but think Irma might have been magnified purposely by the powers that be as it also relates to the 6th Seal period of the Book of Revelations (which they use as a masterplan). It mentions calamities "after the Sun turns dark" (the Eclipse) which will lead "the rich, the noble, the servants, the poor to hide together from the wrath of the Lamb" (e.g. Branson and his servants hiding underground on Necker Island was symbolic of this).

Also I believe the disaster will be used to gentrify the Caribbean Islands, as the wealthy tax exempt Elites that have properties there don't want black poor people living in slums in their midst anymore. They'll probably be shipped to Europe or the US as refugees and the Caribbean towns will get a facelift and new infrastructure paid for by Western Taxpayers.