A few years ago, if you've been watching white lines carving your skies and teorizing that toxic chemical are its main ingredient, majority would consider you as an idiot or just label that topic as unproven one, without even trying to comprehend or inform themseves before making a conclusion . Now the aproach is different, they are expecting us to believe that aerosol sprying in the atmosphere can save the planet. The elite becomes increasingly difficult to convince people that chemtrails are just a conspiracy theory when even meteors discuss geoengineering on television while they give their prognoses. The concept of chemtrails is no longer abstract term.

Hmm am i the only one who finds this funny and clearly as an attempt to insult our inteligence. People tend to swallow mass media pseudonews, while the big players take advantage of us being sheeps, playing "God" role and directly destroying our agriculture and local industry, . This shit has become so fucking obvious that i can't stand the fact people refuses to confront the truth. Luckily there are some people willing to sacrafice some of their time to warn people about geopolitical madness.
OK, let's Role
The chemtrail conspiracy theory is the false claim that long-lasting condensation trails, called "chemtrails" by proponents, consist of chemical or biological agents left in the sky by high-flying aircraft and deliberately sprayed for purposes undisclosed to the general public
This is definition quoted from Wikipedia, just look it carefully. As you can see it is described a fals claim theory. Here is one of many evidences which indicate mass indoctrination, where elite is trying to implement their vision of world, without us knowing it. Every day i'm trying to find a person willing to discuss this topic and i can tell you, it wasn't much of succes, honor to exceptions. Regardeless what you think, this shit is dangerous and if we don't show them general resistence we are doomed.

Let's be more objective.
Deliberately polluting and spraying the Earth and its population with toxic chemical and biological particles in order to manipulate weather, food suply and increased population.
This would be a real definition of chemtrails. Here is an example where a former military meteorologist publicaly admitted that military aircraft sprayed aluminum during their rutine flight.
"Then you see these strips of distant clouds moving in the region. It's not rain, it's not snow. Believe it or not, military planes flying through the region dropped the plague - tiny pieces of aluminum. Sometimes they release plastic or metallized paper products that are used for anti-radar monitoring."
In another video from Florida, the meteorologist points to the big blue areas on the map and says, "That's what we call military flakes, and the army releases some things in the atmosphere ... I know that."
Germans on Public television Acknowledged the Existence of Chemtrails:
The German Nationl and largest television has released publicaly, debate over chemtrails existence and purpuse. They've said a few wards about chemtrails in negative aspect but again it was showed as a tool which will prevent Sun overwhelming us. Global warming is considered as a main problem and chemtrails are described as a bridge between us and a Sun.This is another example where we can see elite having strugle with hiding the truth , so they made it publicaly and lied about its purpuse. Furthermore, germans admittet that there are unmarked planes that carry and release sulfur that is allegedly flown in a plane that transforms it into high sulfur dioxide at high temperatures.
I would dare to say that their spraying is an another ward for newage eugenics where only the strongest survive.
The UN must impose a Moratorium on Geoengineering

NAGOYA, Japan (Reuters) - The United Nations should impose a moratorium on “geo-engineering” projects such as artificial volcanoes and vast cloud-seeding schemes to fight climate change, green groups say, fearing they could harm nature and mankind.
The risks were too great because the impacts of manipulating nature on a vast scale were not fully known, the groups said at a major U.N. meeting in Japan aimed at combating increasing losses of plant and animal species. So you can see that existence of chemtrails and geoengineering in general.
It is absolutely inappropriate for the hand of developed countries to make decisions and carry out geoengineering projects without the approval of all countries in the world, "said Pat Mooney from ETC Group Canada for Reuters.
Don't know what is his intention, but it made me thinking . If there is geoengineering and its main purpuse is to "protect" people, why is it secret than? Why does only a few countries has this billion dollar worth of equipment, and others don't when the whole Earth is at stake? Hmm, a bit unlogical, don't you think?
Summa Summarum
My attitude on this subject is one-sided. Personaly i do not believe in chemtrails as a means of protection, but rather a means of control which will enable individuals and smaller collectivies enormous power and wealth. Guided by previous experience and knowledge of the nature of man, we can assume that all this will not end up good, because any kind of tool (good or bad) which ends up in the hands of man becomes a weapon.

I hope that with each of my announcements on such matters I will raise people's awareness and that there will be some initiatives where we will actively participate.
They's been doing that since decades ago without any bit of guilt. They want the health industry to profit huge amount of money .
they do not freel guilt nor empathy, thanks for stopping by :)
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Recently I've gotten into sky-watching and studying the effects of geoengineering, ranging from what is told publicly to alternative facts.
I don't entirely agree that the government is doing this to purposefully to harm us. Granted, MKUltra happened - however - no-one does something to be a villain. Those responsible for chem-trails may believe they are doing it to protect, but doing damage by not being public about the harmful side-effects.
Although it'd be impossible for those responsible to say "We have found nothing dangerous in these supposed chemtrails" as that would go against the chemtrail conspiracy, so it's difficult to 100% conclude this is happening when anyone can be lying. All that can be done is provide proof and counter evidence with reliable, opposing evidence. That's how science develops.
Something I realized and have to question: What if people are paid to talk about chemtrails when there are none in a specific situation? Just to rile up those who believe in the chemtrail conspiracy and send them searching for red herons? Is that possible?
Sorry for the long comment, I just really enjoyed this post.
Well i like youre critical thinking and maybe you are not far from the truth. The thing is, im not saying in general that everyone wanna do harm, but there are people willing to poison us in order to gain some profits. Thanks for stoping by :)
Well said .. I'm with you on those agendas behind their using GE .. Keep waking up everyone around you. The US has a long hidden history of eugenics. Anyone that has not done this, checkout James Corbett's YouTube video "Why big oil conquered the world" and I think motives will be a lot easier to see.
Hello @jamesc, i will most definitely check it out. Americas deep state and wealthy individuals such as Rockafeller funded eugenic in 1920, and further more they funded nazi regime in orded to create superhuman. I will do my best to make this topic well known to people, thanks for support i really appreciate it.
Dude1: If you ingest this mercury pill it will help you with led poisoning and that is a fact.
Dude2: That can't be true the mercury is highly poisonous and...
Dude1: Shut up, you don't have a clue I've seen it on TV it must be true!
One of my aunties was dating a guy who freaked out when I started talking about chemtrails. She cussed him out one side and down the other and made him research the issue.
Needless to say I got a pretty abashed apology.
Great post and I can't wait until the rest of the world opens their eyes.
My dad still believes they are contrails.
my dad believes only in things he can touch aahahaha, conservative intelectual, what can i do. Thanks for stopping by :)
We can continue to spread correct information and educate the masses of sheep.
I believe Americans are starting to see the evil things our government does to us. My personal peeve is that we are poisoned by fluoride which is put into our water, and in toothpaste. If you look at a tube of toothpaste, it says "Do not ingest. If ingested call poison control center". We don't need that crap. Buy non-fluoridated toothpaste and filter your water. These sorts of things along with the crap from chemtrails are reducing our lifespans.
Yes flouride is one of their instrument for sure. I was thinking to make homade toothpaste but to be honest im to lazy to go get the ingridiants. Maybe you should write an article about it :) have a nice day m8
Hey @ocupation, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! :)
Appriciete it :)
In this post on youtube for secureteam10 there was a chemtrail that spanned from the South to the North pole. Its somewhere in the Video:
The Geoengineering agenda needs to be exposed, along with what it's hiding in the sky, and the climate shift they're so ruthlessly spraying over.
@occupation - great job increasing the awareness on geoengineering. Kudos brother!!
I have been keen on this topic as well, and wrote a few posts here on the same topic. I have uncovered some lesser known aspects (I am yet to finish my post on Chemtrails)- I invite you to take a look at my posts and give me some feedback, at your convenience. Thanks in advance.
How NEXRAD/Weather RADAR is manipulating weather
How the water vapor is generated for artificial cloud formation
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