This may seem a bit far fetched to all the sleepers out there, but if you are awake and understand the current situation in the world and the efforts that are being put into weather modification this won't come as a surprise to you.
SIDENOTE: 2 years ago I was also sleeping, like a big baby. Wasn't aware of anything and felt good about myself. If you told me anything about chemtrails or weather modification I would most likely call you a conspiracy theorist and consider you a madman.
That's when I discovered geoengineering, HAARP and all the other good stuff our rulers don't want us to talk about so they label us as a conspiracy theorist to demonize us in the media.
Quick note for all the sheep out there that still blindly believe the government and their Programing Boxes (TV)
Conspiracy theorist is a term made popular by the CIA to counter criticism, discredit critical thinkers and anyone that says something against their narrative of any given subject/event.
Now when we got that out of the way I can tell you a story of the weather manipulation over Croatia that happened last year. NOTE
Around this time a year ago we had a normal winter as per usual. Temperatures were in the 0° to -10° C ranges and snow fell a couple of times but we had no extreme weather or anything unusual. Until a couple of days later when I woke up to a horrific sight similar to this.
For those who still may not know this cloud formation was created by HAARP in an attempt to modify the weather in some way.
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program or HAARP is a research program founded by the US Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. I won't go in depth about it as I plan on making a post dedicated for explaining HAARP but for now you will be good enough with knowing that it's a high-power radio frequency transmitter that is shooting Megawatts of high frequency on a "small" spot in the ionosphere.
Getting back to the story it's the beginning of February and they are spraying like mad. The sun is shining but it's hidden behind the trails and it's getting warmer as each day passes. That's highly unusual for winter times in Croatia and I was having a hard time trying to figure out why they were doing this and what gain do they have in it because it's not a cheap thing to do....
Not my image but this is how our skies looked on a daily basis
The unusaly warm weather continued and winter was over sooner than ever before. I still didn't know why they were doing it but then it hit me like a train. They will fuck up our fruits and vegetables with a frost or negative temperatures. What? It was so warm and it lasted for long enough that the plants thought it was spring and started blooming. And if you bring frost or cold temperatures to the blooming plants they die and you will get no fruit from it that year.
Average temperature in February compared to average stats from last 30 years (notice the HAARP like action in the bottom right). Coincidence? Think not.
Average temperature in March compared to average stats from last 30 years
I started preaching and telling everyone what I knew was going to happen and how they plan to destroy our crops. And I was saying it for a month when one day in March my father told me that he has to go to Slovenia (a neighbor country we have a vacation house in) to cover all the plants he has because frost will hit and it will be freezing cold again so he wanted to protect them before it happens.
I was like no shit dad I was telling you about this all along and you were still not prepared :)
He went off to cover them but they still froze as it was too cold for them to survive and we had no apples, pears, peaches or figs that year . Our neighbor lost 60% of his grapes which is a tragedy because it's a family business to produce vine and they depend on the income they get from it. And he was not the only one. From what I have found out from first hand information and actually talking to farmers, most of them lost something because of the sudden cold that they just couldn't prepare for.
The worst case was a farmer 50km from where our house is in Slovenia who has a huge grape plantation and 50-100 pear trees. He lost almost everything and had to take a loan from the bank to be able to survive through the year.
It was devestating to see what this people were going through as most of them depended on their land to feed them. And it wasn't even mentioned on any TV channel, news report, or newspaper but instead they were trolling us with unimportant subjects like they always do.
And that's how they made Croatia and Slovenia buy into GMO
Because of the losses farmers had they had to bring up the prices of their products so less people bought from them and went to the supermarkets instead. The markets that usually got their food from farmers settled by importing the GMO shit from other countries. And that's how you get a whole country to go GMO with a quick weather modification and without them even noticing.
If this is happening in a small countries like Croatia and Slovenia which are a grain of sand in a desert the world map is, it must be happening worldwide. I can't say for sure as I didn't experience it first hand but I'm almost 100% sure we were not the only country struck by this "natural disaster".
When will it stop?
When the ones who know about this start informing everyone else and stop caring about what the sheep might think. We need to demand justice and reclaim our rights to a natural climate like it was 50 years ago when there was no geoengineering. But I don't see that happening in the near future as there are too many sheep out there that can't comprehend this. They can't focus on anything that isn't about them or their personal gains. They are too focused on themselves that they can't see something that's right in front of their noses.
I will do my best to fight this and inform as many intelligent people here on Steemit and IRL but it seems like I'm fighting a loosing battle. Because as I said most are so conditioned that they can't comprehend that this is actually happening and when I talk to them about it they attack me as if I was insulting them on a personal basis.
Nevertheless I'll keep doing what I do hoping for the best and I would like to encourage you to do the same because if we don't speak up it will just get worse.
The HAARP may exist but the global warming too.
You can try if you have material... Take a box with the composants of our air. Place a thermometer and add CO2 or Methane watch the temperature inside (Do this outside or add UV emitter ) watch the temperature that will grow. The same thing happen the planet is the box UV emitter is the sun and co2 and Methane the gas we add in our atmosphere.
If you try this and don't see any modifications post the video on dtube.
I don't say that HAARP is not real . It can exist but the change you evoke can be natural.
HAARPs existance isn't in question here. It exists and it's effects can be seen world wide. Do some research on it.
As for the global warming I won't comment on that hoax. Again do your research.
Yes it could be normal but isn't as they were spraying like mad before it happened. Also the HAARPs that were visible a couple of times proove there was nothing natural in that.
I doubt it's HAARP. I think most of those pattern are caused by local radio wave towers.
Do you mean this?
Possibly. Any radio waves can produce patterns in the clouds. The more energy there is released, the larger the possible effects.
Here in Croatia they are popping up like mushrooms after a rain. In the past year I have noticed an ever so increasing number of them being put everywhere.
global manipulation of products and weather hasnt started yesterday, i have seen companies like monsanto manipulate the local yield and introduce pest that affect the local food and then sell them a GMO version that is resistant to those diseases. they are making a global play into our food and trying to control the food and grain industries
Yep, it started long ago. I heard about that. They even done the same in Croatia a couple of years ago. First they make a "natural" disaster (think it was a flood or something that introduced some pests we didn't have before) and then offer their resistant seeds at a very low price. It's ridiculous how more people don't understand this.
Have you seen melting concrete in Australia?
I have, it's insane.
On the other side of the world we hsve frozen niagara waterfalls...
Yep, and no one finds it strange or ask themselves why it's happening.
Yea saw a picture posted by @gamer00 some days back and it was a frozen waterfall. Don't know if that's Niagara but it's somewhere in the Asian continent. He also posted a picture of the street frozen up to half a car level and people got their cars trapped... It was a very scary sight and no one seemed to be able to explain it.
el niagara tambien se congelo.
There are some conspiracy theory about HAARP. Some Turkish people think that occurrence of earthquake in Turkey is part of HAARP project..
It is very complicated and technical issue. It should be analyzied in detail. On the other hand it show that Tesla is one of the greatest inventor :)
HAARP can most definitely cause earthquakes and they have been using it for that purpose for a long time now.
Yes, you are right. But I have mentioned very big earthquake which is 7.6 magnitude occured in İstanbul the most crowded city in Turkey.
I see no reason why it wouldn't be created by HAARP
I said conspiracy theory brother. It was just rumor :) I couldn't see any reason too.
Yea was aware of this too and we shocked at the discovery. Most times I wonder why the government won't just let the ecosystem and our climatic conditions be. It's devastating and these manipulations can cause a lot of harm to the human race in the future.
Because there is a lot of money to be made with geoengineering + the added benefits of making us sick.
Start today and be the change you want to see in the world!
This line impressed me I like it ....Upvote u
And that's the only line you read lol good job.
My thoughts exactly... It's not cheap at all because the equipment used in doing these are often high tech equipment. After wasting so much money on projects like this, it's relevance to us remains elusive.
You can tell when they are using this on an area by the oddly burnt and melted objects. I've seen strange happenings in California I believe was caused by some weapon like you describe. The crazy weather. And the hurricanes... It's getting uglier and uglier. Thanks for sharing @runicar
ovejas o zombi,investiguen sobre la patente de la television,es una matrix creada para tener al pueblo bajo el poder de miedo y desinformacion ,la patente de la television,en su comienzo se dieron cuenta de su poder de manipulcion por su ondas electromagneticas,investiga sobre la patemte y haz un articulo,desarrolla muy bien los contenido