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RE: Look up in the sky everyday you will see planes spraying what?

in #geoengineering8 years ago

I think you will appreciate the contents of this article. It's lengthy but well worth reading. From what I understand, also, people who are "asleep" and so wrapped up in the matrix literally don't even see the chemtrails. Magnesium malate and shilajit are just two ways to help detox and stay protected from the fall out of the chemtrails. I hope that helps your cough. Thank you for posting and know that many, many of us are sick of the chemtrails.It's the same here and I guess everywhere for the most part from what I understand. The sky is blue, the white jets show up spraying both long and short trails and sometimes no visible trails, and then the sky turns milky white. It's maddening. It would be good to know the truth about these chemtrails. Apparently the powers that be think the public couldn't take knowing the truth. It seems like they're spraying for multiple reasons. This is the best chemtrail article I have read thus far:


Thank you very much. Have a blessed evening with your family.