What is EcoLibertarian Geoism? The best political philosophy you have never heard of!


Geolibertarianism is a political and economic ideology that integrates libertarianism with Georgism (alternatively geoism or geonomics), most often associated with left-libertarianism or the radical center.


"Geolibertarians hold that geographical space and raw natural resources—any assets that qualify as land by economic definition—are rivalrous goods to be considered common property or more accurately unowned, which all individuals share an equal human right to access, not capital wealth to be privatized fully and absolutely."

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Geolibertarians, "endorse the standard right-libertarian view that each individual is naturally entitled to the fruits of their labor as exclusive private property as opposed to produced goods being owned collectively by society or by the government acting to represent society, and that a person's "labor, wages, and the products of labor" should not be taxed."


Geolibertarians, "desire to see the revenue from land value capture cover only necessary administrative costs and fund only those public services which are essential for a governing body to secure and enforce rights to life, liberty and estate...the surplus being equally distributed as an unconditional dividend to each citizen."


Geolibertarians support, "the value of the land [being] returned to the residents who produce it, but who by practical necessity and legal privilege have been deprived of equal access while the poor and disadvantaged benefit from a reliable social safety net unencumbered by bureaucracy or intrusive means-testing."

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"The staircase model is a psychological explanation as to why out of large numbers of disgruntled people in society, only a very small minority end up committing acts..." The Geolibertarian staircase is a blue-print to a functioning society with each individual free to support the causes which are important to them under a libertarian framework.

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The Green Party's views on socialism are not conducive with traditional libertarian values, but this has not stopped the emergence of a viewpoint which combines certain aspects of both.


Libertarians can all support the freedom of investors to solve the concerns of environmentalists by means of investment in emerging technologies to harness the power of the sun, wind, waves, and everything that moves! Libertarians support the end of all government manipulation of the free market and proudly support the end of all fossil fuel industry subsidies! All libertarians support the Gold Standard and would be proud to support a #NewGoldDeal.


"Green libertarianism, also known as eco-libertarianism, is a hybrid political philosophy that has developed in the United States. Based upon a mixture of political third party values, such as the environmental and economic platform from the Green Party and the civil liberties platform of the Libertarian Party,"


Green Libertarian (Eco-Libertarian) combines the libertarian viewpoint with those aspects of the green platform which may be voluntary,


Ecolibertarians differ from Geolibertarians, but if the viewpoints were combined to form a #GeoEcoLibertarian viewpoint, "...to consolidate...agrarian values with [geo]libertarianism..." what should it be called?GeoEcoLibertarianism or EcoGeoLibertarianism doesn't flow, Green-GeoLibertarian or Geo-Libertarian Green doesn't seem right, Georgian EcoLibertarianism or EcoLibertarian Georgism has more potential, EcoLibertarian Geoism has the most potential and was chosen for the title


NOW is the time for the Libertarian party to embrace the concept of the #GreenNewDeal in their own freedom loving fashion to propose a #FREENewDealDOM and place our socio-political viewpoint towards sustainability and environmental protection with the emergence of the Eco-Libertarian Georgian viewpoint for the GeoEcoLibertarianist platform.

Reference Links: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geolibertarianism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_libertarianism & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgism

and we need to choose a color for our meme's
