What an interesting article u wrote..!! 🙌
I've heard the name "GIS" from my frnds in URP department, they seem to use this tool a lot. But never knew that it can search things this much specific way..!!!
And u explained the usage of it in an interesting way..!
Didnt think that studying rocks can be this much cool..!! The seashore seems to have a lot of colors in it..!
A great article, mentor..!!! 👏👍
~ Christina
The shoreline featured in the post definitely has a wide variety of colors and rock types. Without doubt, it is one of my favorite beaches!
Stay tuned for future articles where I start to unveil the real power of GIS...this is just an introduction! Thanks for your comment 👍
definitely waiting for ur future post..!!!! 🙌
best reagrds to u..!!!!