After doing the research on this, I’ll definitely have to give that book a read. Honestly, this topic was chocked full with knowledge. The reason I decided to write about it is because my father (who is a geologist at heart) described what he thought of the regions topography when we travelled to the PNW as a family in the late 80’s. I was only a newborn at the time so I have no recollection of the region unfortunately.
Just learning about the uniformatarian vs catastrophism aspect of this geological discovery was a joy. It was actually difficult to find information on the subject in only one place. I had to piece this article together from a variety of sources. On top of that, I had to be careful which information I chose to include. It would appear some people are still under the impression only one massive flood caused the formation of the Channeled Badlands. All being said, I can’t wait to visit this region in the near future.