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RE: Karst towers. One of natures many wonders :)

in #geology7 years ago (edited)

I had no idea about the above ground karst towers. That really does get you thinking about how vast some cave systems must have been. I'm also wondering how much height was lost to erosion in the picture above. They must have been even taller at some point.


Yes it is impressing. :)

Unfortunately i dont remember exact where now, but it is not so long ago since they discovered a cavesystem in Latin America (i think it was in Argentina) and it is full of fresh water.
That cave is so big, that after they found that, they had to recalculate how much fresh-water it is on earth (and unfortunately i dont remember the numbers right now) but i think they had to add something like 10% more fresh-water to this planet as they know about, just because of that single cave.

It is estimated that if the cave was without water, they could fly many jumbo jets around inside them..
(I must try to search for that again)

I love caves, and i live in a limestone area and one of my greatest moments as a collector of minerals was one time i found a tiny little hole in a mountain that was so small that i barely could press my hand inside, but when i did, i quickly understood that it was a big cave inside.

After some time i had made the opening so big that i could go inside.
On the inside, it was around a half meters layer with crystals that had fallen from the roof and the walls of the cave that was just to pick up.
It took me around 1 year just to get out the crystals that i did not have to pick loose.
And it was not a single centimeter on the walls and the roof that was not covered in crystals.

After about a year, i decided to tell some other people about it.
It was like crawling in to a fairytale for those who have that interest. :)
And still that was not bigger then a big living room.. :)