The history of aceh Sultanate

in #geopolis7 years ago (edited)

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The history of aceh Sultanate

The history of the Kingdom of Aceh is one important part of the history of the struggle of the nation of Indonesia. At the time of Aceh as a strategic place on the international transportation is very well known abroad, especially in the early trade relations among Nations. Aceh is at its height. Traders from Arabia, India even Europe looking for spices in Sumatra.Kingdom of Aceh was one of the kingdoms that once stood in Indonesia, located on the northern tip of Sumatra island and the westernmost of the islands of the archipelago. Kingdom of Aceh was established in 1520-1903, Sultan Ali Mughayat Shah was the first lead the sultan of Aceh in Aceh began in 1520-1530. The Kingdom of Aceh in the early leadership of Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah covers Aceh Besar later extended with conquered areas trade port on the East coast of Sumatra which is adjacent to the Strait of Malacca as Pasai, resources, and Pidie.

At that time, the area around the Strait of Malacca has a very important role in the activities of trade and traffic area located so Archipelago in the vicinity have the opportunity to flourish including the Kingdom of Aceh. In addition to wanting the Royal Sultan Ali Mughayat vast Shah tried to make Aceh as a center of international trade come within the Malacca Strait of Malacca port replaces already dukuasai the Portugis.developed including the Kingdom of Aceh. In addition to wanting the Royal Sultan Ali Mughayat vast Shah tried to make Aceh as a center of international trade come within the Malacca Strait of Malacca port replaces already dukuasai Portuguese Malacca when Port.It serves as a center of international trade was captured by the Portuguese in 1511, which resulted in many traders chose to leave Malacca and look for other trading ports such as the port of Aceh who were still around The Strait Of Malacca.The situation is very favorable to the Kingdom of Aceh that is developing its port became the center of perdagang of spices especially pepper then became the main merchandise.


Aceh is fast developing into great because supported by: (1) the location of the capital city of Aceh, namely in the gateway voyage from India and the Middle East are going to Malacca/China or to Java (2) port of Aceh have requirements that are as good as the port Trade (3) Peppercorn rich Aceh as an important export commodities of eyes. Acehnese already from ancient held international trade relations (4) the fall of Malacca to the Portuguese cause many Islamic traders stopped to Aceh, especially after the cruise line switch passing along the western coast of Sumatra ( Iskandar Shah, 2008:66). The number of Islamic traders flocked to the port in Aceh such as Arabic, Persian, and India are followed by foreign traders from Europe such as the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and France add a lively trading activity in the port of Aceh at once bring wealth and prosperity to the Kingdom of Aceh.

In addition, the Portuguese have previously traded with Aceh consider the presence of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and France as his rival in getting spices and colonised the Kingdom of Aceh. This happens when the Kingdom of Aceh led by Sultan Ali Riayat Shah (1604-1607) considered less capable leader so there was turmoil in Aceh. "The new King is styled Sultan Ali Riayat Syah under his rule in Aceh occurred a very long drought and many humans died. His Kingdom at that time was the scene of robbery and ketidakaturan "(Raden Surakarta, 1983:43). The condition of the Kingdom of Aceh is being weakened by foreign Nations used IE the Portuguese for control of Aceh by doing the action of the invasion. In this war the troops led by Iskandar Muda in Aceh and managed to grab the victory. Not long after that event He was made King replaces Sultan Ali Riayat Syah.


Kingdom of Aceh under the leadership of Sultan Iskandar Muda can be said to be on the heyday as expressed by Djoened Marwati Poesponegoro and Nugroho Notosusanto. Kingdom of Aceh suffered peak power under the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636). During the reign of Sultan's famous it happened advances in the fields of politics, economic-trade, international relations, strengthening the army, developing and strengthening the culture of religious life (Marwati Poesponegoro and Djoened Nugroho Notosusanto, 2008:31).A similar case is also expressed by t. Alex Ibrahim (1987:36) that the peak of development of the Kingdom of Aceh occurred during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636). Reign of sultan this is the heyday of Aceh, either politically or economically.


The struggle has been done the previous Aceh sultans are quite beneficial for the development of the Kingdom of Aceh but reached its peak during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda's leadership. At the time of the first Sultan of Aceh leadership of Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah 1520-1530, he fought to free the Kingdom of Aceh Pidie, assault against the Portuguese and the expansion region with the Kingdom of Pidie, Pasai, and power. Then the third Kingdom and region of Aceh are United into the core area of the Kingdom of Aceh. The next Sultan of great struggle for the Kingdom of Aceh was the third sultan of Aceh, Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah Al-Kahar year 1537-1568. During his rule the Kingdom of Aceh begins to build a relationship of cooperation with the local kingdoms in Nusantara kingdoms or outside the archipelago. Kingdom of Aceh in a relationship of cooperation with the Kingdom of Turkey and continues on in the leadership of the next sultan of Aceh, sultan-including at Sultan Iskandar Muda's leadership. Besides the strained relations of cooperation, he could not forget the struggle against the Portuguese who have already mastered the Malacca and did a lot of penakukkan to expand the Kingdom of Aceh.


Sutan aceh's leadership the tenth Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah Al-Mukammal 1588-1604 year, the Kingdom of Aceh not to make war against Portuguese or expanding the territory, but his leadership of Aceh Sultanate traders began arriving from the Europeans as the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of France. During his rule the relationship of cooperation between the Kingdom of Aceh with the kingdoms of Europe began to intertwine,During the leadership of Sultan Iskandar Muda in Aceh that the twelfth sultan of Aceh Sultanate, reaches its peak. During his leadership of Sultan Iskandar Muda continuing struggle the Sultan-sultan of Aceh before. The struggle was to strengthen the fleet and army, doing the capture region, attacks against the Portuguese and established trade cooperation. Looking back at the heyday of the great kingdoms that existed in Indonesia, as well as the spirit of the struggle undertaken its leaders in an effort to maintain its existence as a great empire in the archipelago to the outer archipelago is part of the historical events of interest to examined, one of which was the heyday of the Kingdom of Aceh in Indonesia's leadership of Sultan Iskandar Muda 1607-1636 year. Based on explanation above, the authors are keen to examine more specific regarding the "Struggle of Sultan Iskandar Muda in Aceh Kingdom of glory in the archipelago of the year 1607-1636", in an effort to get to know more about the struggles of Sultan Iskandar Young containing many useful example for nation-building, the State and the younger generation.


Iskandar Syah. 2008. Sejarah Indonesia Abad XVI-XVII. Bandar Lampung: Universitas Lampung Press. Halaman 66.

Raden Hoesein Djajadiningrat. 1983. Kesultanan Aceh. Banda Aceh: Museum Negeri Aceh. Halaman 43.

Nugroho Notosusanto dkk. 1990. Sejarah Nasional Indonesia Jilid III. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. Halaman 31.

Ibrahim Alfian. 1987. Mata Uang Emas Kerajaan-Kerajaan di Aceh. Banda Aceh: Museum Negeri Aceh. Halaman 36.

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