Google/Youtube censors conservative/libertarian ideas

in #geopolitics7 years ago

Dennis Prager, a well-known conservative and the principal behind PragerU has files a law suit and a pretition against Google and its subsidiary Youtube for censoring 40 of its educational videos on ideological grounds. Following the firing and humiliation of James Damore because of his political views, Google has firmly positioned itself as an instrument of the Left and using its monopoly position to discriminate against the conservative/libertarian views many of us share. Ultimately, this is great for steemit and Dtube. As Megan McArdle of Bloomberg has argued persuasively, when the majority of advertisers on Google, who are small business owners and conservative politically, realise that Google works against their interests Google will pay a steep price for their leftist predilections.


Yes, this is pretty well known. Project Veritas shows hidden videos from CNN and Twitter. Very impressive.

yes, it is well known, but we need to keep repeating it so more people get it.

Yes, you are right. People need to hear it many times until they start to get it.

Yes, it's time for mass migration away from centralized, government-run or influenced social media to decentralized, censorship-free social media. For now, that is Steemit and Dtube. We'll see what platforms emerge in the coming months and years.