
I respectfully Disagree,

My dive into history has taught me that China has been trying to play catch-up using the same rules and rule breaking the US used in the last 19th century and the same geopolitical tactics and machinations used by all countries, all the time. But this is the side show of nationalism. Behind it are extra-national corporations that are the real titans. Elected by our patronage of their wares. The more indispensable their wares are, the more rigged the election.

China stole no jobs per say, it was the global industrialists, those same extra-national corporations, that could not resist exploiting the cheap labor force, and moved their operations from US and Europe to China. China simply let them exploit their labor force. This really took off as the end of the cold war and end of the stagflationary 80's.

To me it looks like this was the beginning of the last hurrah of the Breton Woods financial system. Now as the last echos dissipate, we discover just how thin the air is up here and how little is holding up our edifice of debt.

Seems the human species, manifested into what we call "society", is terminally destined to raise the most dangerous individuals to the most destructive of heights. Call it societal masochism.