President Trump Declares War On Globalists by Withdrawing from Paris Climate Accord.

in #geopolitics8 years ago

In this report I cover President Trumps decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord and what that means to global governance or the New World Order.


Hi Maneco,

I have a theory as to why Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord. This just occurred to me today morning while going through Jerry Robinsons articles at .

The Paris Climate Accord proposes fossil fuel divestments. It means that the participating countries would invest massively in alternative sources of energy other than relying on petroleum as they currently do. This would put downward pressure on global petroleum demand. As a consequence, the artificial demand for dollar created by Henry Kissinger would be over. If that happens all the dollar that the middle-east and petroleum consuming countries are holding (in the form of bond/T-bills, I suppose) will be dumped back into the market. The status of US Dollar as the world reserve currency will come to an end. The system will come crashing down, United states will be bankrupt.

It's just a theory, I have no proof. :-)

Interesting theory.

That makes a lot of sense and the Globalist most probably wanted that to happen in order to bring in a New World Order (SDR) currency. The other thing George Hunt mentions in his video is that Maurice Strong noted in an interview in the 1990s that if any major Western country (meaning US I think) did not join into this Environmentalist/Climate Change Club they (the Globalists) would pull the plug on the global economy/financial system. We live in interesting times.

I support your analysis. Unfortunately for the globalists they have run out of time. It appears that nature will show up the global warming theory as a fraud with the oncoming "Grand Solar Minimum". The ALTA reports by Clif High has made mention of this and Adapt 2030 on You Tube follows the mini ice-age progression closely. I see Trump's rise as a revolution against globalism, the new world order, or, what I refer to as the "Global Banking Cartel". I think this revolution is the essence of what will become known as world war iii.

Agree with you too and I have also spoken about Clif's ALTA reports and language pertaining to an Ice Age.

Sounds hot