Syria action – UK government legal position BULLSHIT WARNING

in #geopolitics7 years ago (edited)

For anyone who has been following the heinous dog-and-pony show trotted out by the US, UK and France upon the world stage - beginning with the created incident of the Skirpal scandal cooked up by the UK and US to blame Russia (see here: this official statement is an insult to the intelligence and integrity of humanity. It is filled with lies. And as a mater of fact it is illegal to launch an attack on another Sovereign state without authorization of the UN Security Council under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. The UN ambassador was present at the recent emergency meeting when the Russian Ambassador pointed this out at the UN. Likewise the US Ambassador made it clear that the US intended to act unilaterally anyway, specifically against the UN Charter and articles. I post the link to the "cover-your-ass" official statement that is the subject of this discussion, so that you can see for yourself, and then offer my analysis and commentary below, for your further consideration. Here you go:

Regarding point 1: The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) of the Chemical Weapons Convention Treaty in effect since April 29, 1997, officially saw to the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons. The Treaty outlaws both the use and the possession of such weapons, which Syria agreed to when they signed the Treaty. The asserted chemical weapons attack in Douma on 7 April 2018 is itself highly questionable, and the UK and other participants in the Syria Action under discussion have provided no proof of their assertions, and by launching their attack have furthermore hindered the scheduled inspection that was dispatched to determine if such an attack occurred, and the specific details and parties involved. Both Syria and Russia have researched the touted incident on-site, and have produced facts that contradict the assertions of the UK/US/France, and have multiple times requested and invited a further impartial international investigation. Among these are statements from the Syrian Red Cross and other local medical personnel who deny that any patients have been treated for chemical weapons injuries, together with the fact that the sources of the story that such an attack occurred are themselves highly questionable, like the White Helmets. This latter group is not only well known for creating and disseminating disinformation, but for documented alliance with the terrorists themselves, and who are funded and backed by the UK and US. Finally regarding this point, "extreme humanitarian suffering of the Syrian people " is caused by the numerous groups of terrorists who have been trying to take over the Syrian government for years, funded, trained and supplied by the US, UK, Israel and Saudi Arabia (to name a few of the usual suspects). The Syrian government and her courageous military, with the assistance of their allies, have been fighting to free their people from the cruel and inhuman invasion inflicted on them by outside countries with agendas of their own, at the expense of the Syrian people.

Point 2. The Syrian government (I do not accept the cowardly use of the term regime, as it has other unsavory implications) has been fighting courageously and desperately to protect and free their own people and land from the terrorist invasion inflicted upon them. Time and again, the evidence shows that it is the terrorists who are creating the chemical weapons, stockpiling and using them to both inflict death and destruction while generating their political agenda at the expense of the Syrian people who are also used as human shields, among other atrocities. Refer back to point number 1, as well, regarding the government's signing of and honoring the Chemical Weapons Convention Treaty.

Point number 3: I refer you to the open letter by a group of international Lawyers, submitted April 13, stating clearly that " a U.S. military strike on Syria would be illegal if not in self-defense or with U.N. Security Council authorization. Read it for yourself, here Does the UK feel it is an exception to these international laws? And the statement "there is convincing evidence, generally accepted by the international community as a whole, of extreme humanitarian distress on a large scale, requiring immediate and urgent relief" is well beyond cheeky, given that the UK has been participating on the infliction of such humanitarian distress, for years.

Point 4: (i) It is the terrorists, with the backing of the US UK and others cited above, that have been inflicting these chemical weapons attacks, and there is solid evidence for this being aggressively and actively suppressed by these perpetrators to keep the world from finding out the truth. And I refer again to the Syrian compliance - with international supervision - with the signed Chemical Weapons Convention Treaty as cited above.

Point 4 (ii) More outright lies. The UK, as others cited above on this issue, has blocked Russia and Syria's proposals and requests - on public record during the meeting and elsewhere - for an immediate, impartial and international team to assess the facts of these accusations on-the-ground in Syria. They have also pointed out that in this particular case, as the Syrian government is in control now of the affected area, they and Russia guaranteed safe passage for this investigative body. The timing of the illegal US/UK/French attack in Syria precisely hindered that investigation, scheduled for the same day, and potentially compromised any relevant evidence. Coincidence? I think not! Again, judge for yourself, here:

Point 4 (iii) simply recapitulates the cowardly and flimsy lies upon which the UK claims to justify breaking both international and humanitarian law. This is flamboyant, after-the-fact, cover-your-ass propaganda at its "best".

