This is me When I was a Puppy, My name is Krispy I'm almost one and a half years old, I weigh 85 lbs
and i'm kind of a big guy. My Daddy always has his camera out and takes lots of pictures of me and likes
to make videos. I have had a fun first year living with them, I'm glad they came and got me! I do lots of cool
stuff and they take me cool places all the time. My family loves me and I love them. Please follow my adventures,
i'll show you all the places i get to go and some of my friends i've met along the way.()
I got off the Leash, they trust me...not
Watch Dog
I'm a Dirty Boy!
In the summer I like to eat Watermelon!
I'm a good hunter
I ate my friend Piglet(
This is my Mom & Dad!!! I like driving in the Jeep.
I'm always doing cool stuff like climbing mountains!
I love to Swim!
When I was little I got in trouble a lot, actually I still do :(
Mommy bought this for me? Why? I got so much Fur already!
Giving Mommy a Kiss.
Yep, Trouble Maker!!!
I grew up kind of Handsome.
Stay tuned for my adventures! it's past my bed time now. Good Night!