Follow Me To The Carnival Party in Germany - Fasching in Süddeutschland!

in #germany7 years ago


Hey guys, my friend and me decided to celebrate carnival together! In the southern part of Germany there are other traditions than for example in the western part of Germany. Even carnival is called "Fasching" in the southern part of Germany. The south is pretty lazy too make big parties on carnival. Still my friend and me found a super funny location with all kind of funny people and its costumes. And by the way my friend and me were pregnant cats :P Just cats would be a bit too boring :P :P

The main raison to celebrate carnival in this pub was because of dressing up funny, drinking, dancing, having fun and watching on others people costumes :P I did not visit all the street festival on "Fasching", maybe next year, then I will be able to tell about it on Steemit. I need more time for that :O :O Sometimes my appointment book is just stuffed and I am not managing to see everything around me :P

Activity Number One: Getting some cocktails on the bar, I drank Strawberry Caipirinha

Activity Number Number Two: Singing with the music xD

Activity Number Three: Finding new friends :D Friend Number one is a kangaroo and friend number two is a doctor

Activity Number Four: Observing the costumes of other people

I can see a cow, Pocahontas, prisoner, a fat princess in yellow, a police woman

Some people even did not want to dress up, they went just naked to the pub :D

We had few laugher on this evening :)

On the next day at work it was just horror, the night was too short to have a 8 hours sleep :O

My friend felt not better at work :D

Is your country celebrating carnival? If yes tell me about your experience and how did you dress up?

Wish you all a nice Friday evening! See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in German


Hallo! Meine Freundin und ich wollten auch diesmal Fasching feiern, ja im Süden sagt man Fasching. Von Region zu Region ändern sich die Traditionen und wie wir alle wissen ist Karneval in Westdeutschland wahrscheinlich am schönsten :) Der Süden ist da schon ein wenig ein Karnevalmuffel und so bleibt den Bewohner nur das eine: "Die Suche nach einer guten Kneipe und hoffen, dass da auch wirklich der Bär steppt"! Glücklicherweise haben wir unser Location finden können und die Faschingsfeier ist ein voller Erfolg gewesen! PS: Die Verkleidung kann man unschwer erkennen - Schwangere Katzen-. Alleine als Katzen gehen, wäre schon ein wenig öde gewesen :P :P

Der Hauptgrund Fasching in der Kneipe zu feiern war:

-Sich zu verkleiden
-Spass haben
-andere Kostüme begutachten

Die Faschingszüge selber habe ich leider verpasst, vielleicht nächstes Jahr. Mein Terminkalender ist immer so zugestopft, da kann das eine oder andere auch auf der Strecke bleiben :P

Aktivität Nummer 1: Cocktails an der Bar besorgen, für mich gab es Strawberry Caipirinha

Aktivität Nummer 2: Mit der Musik laut mitgröhlen xD

Aktivität Nummer 3: Neue Freunde finden :D Freund Nr. Eins ist ein Känguru und Freund Nr. 2 ist Doktor

Aktivität Nummer 4: Die Verkleidung der anderen begutachten

Ich sehe eine Kuh, Pocahontas, Sträfling, eine fette Prinzessin in gelb, eine Polizistin

Einige hatten wohl keine Lust sich zu verkleiden und sind nackt gegangen, oder als Adam (die Begleitung von Eva) Wer weiss, wer weiss ...

Einige Lacher waren an dem Abend schon drin

Das grauen begegnete einem am Tag darauf in der Arbeit

Meiner Freundin ging es nicht besser :D

Wie habt ihr Fasching / Karneval gefeiert? Welche Eindrücke und welche Verkleidung habt ihr euch dieses Jahr gegönnt?

Wünsche euch allen einen schönen Freitag Abend! Bis Bald und nen Fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3


I can't stop looking at it, lol it seems like a good party.

How difficult it is to return to work after the celebration :p

almost impossible :P

It's so funny when I see your photo and a photo of your friend @lenatramper. Your face is painted almost like a cat and the stomach is pregnant again.

:D hahah thanks

Cute pregnant cats lol huh enjoooy

Wow!! Nice" party Enjoy My Dear friend @lenatramper. have a nice day.

Thank you :)

Thanks for these wonderful pictures of Carnival.
Wonderful cats tattoo
In my country we celebrate the carnival in which the skins of the rams and the goats are dressed


cool thanks for the pictures , really cool! Why especially goats?

good rumba I envy you jejejeje

You are very fond of love and a girl. Making the desire to know everything about you and knowingly impressed me that this is your case @lenatramper.

Beautiful pictures of this wonderful carnival
You seem to have enjoyed me a lot through your face
A beautiful tradition I like to stumble upon these things
It made me crayzy hahaha

ahhaah thanks!

very good post my friend .. I like same post you friend

party that makes all the burden of mind and disappeared..🤡🤡

Looks like you guys enjoyed the party a lot.but let me tell you most of you got the vampire eyes perhaps due to party lights.😊

Ich bin in Köln zum Karneval gewesen. Verkleidet als Aladin mit kleinem Abu auf der Schulter. Sozusagen in der Karnevalshochburg :)

Das ist ziemlich cool, nach Köln wollte ich auch schon mal zum Karneval, hab sogar dort ne Freundin, jedoch aus Zeitgründen nie wirklich um die Zeit geschafft, eines Tages :)

wenn es die Zeit zu lässt solltest du es unbedingt machen.
Gut das du jemanden aus Köln hast, der dir die richtigen Ecken zum Karneval feiern zeigen kann.
Ist mittlerweile nämlich leider alles überlaufen und an den Ballungsplätzen ist alles überfüllt und nervig. :)

Wow prefect friend I really like posts by you


friends if there is time to stop by our place

It looks fun. But the next day is very tiring. :)

the next day is the horror movie day xD

Absolutely :)

When I was younger I used to go out and when I had to go to work the next day, oh that was hard.

the day after partying was like in a horror movie :P

Haha looks like you had quite a good time 😉

Especially the guy who decided to drop my in pink underpants haha, award of the night 🙏🏼

Otherwise, if you happen to be into travelling, vlogs, fitness, self-development etc feel free to check out my channel, in any case keep up the good work and I'll see you around!

:D yeah he should get an award :P :P thank you very much ,sure!

with that ball you guys look funny and sexy

Saya tau ini pasti acara yang sangat lucu dan meriah, dan saya selalu suka dua ekor kucing lucu disini yaitu lenatramper dan annatramper.
Kalian luar biasa cantik dan lucu..
Saya suka postingan kalian.
Selamat menikmati pesta meriah

dont understand :(

Have fun guys. the carnival is fun and cool.

hahaha :) Big party and big hangover indeed :)

You had to take some time to sleep and rest after an excellent evening of carnival before going to work dear friend. That you have taken advantage of this is the important thing. Unfortunately, we do not have this kind of festival and I would love to live these moments of madness XD. Have a great Friday @lenatramper

Sometimes work is calling and I have to go :O but you are right it is better to sleep and much better for concentrating :) hahah you should visit a country with carnival time, there are many countries out in the world with carnival time :)

funny and very beautiful carnival of her

Nice party, couldn't think about the time that spent with all people. Will be a great all night long. Have a fun sis and keep spirit with your daily work.

thanks a lot for your comment, it is a big motivation, too :)


You are always amazingly beautiful and cute anywhere and any costume. party spirit until morning !!!hahahaha ,, I like this post. There are two pregnant cats in the party, the party looks very funny and festive, and I always like two belly cute belly buns here are @lenatramper and @annatramper.

hahahahah :D just cats would be too boring :P

Two beautiful women are visible from the dark light if beautiful as @lenatramper always ssys can see: D

Hahaha))) Pregnant cats ))) I feel like having fun you spent time not only on photos but also on the next hard day)

hahah just cats would be boring :P the next day was like in a horror movie :P

the picture is very beautiful

a very interesting journey.
I really liked your post.
thank you @lenatramper

Thank you :)

Prefect... it had fun...😀😀😀

A great carnival @lenatrampenter. Germany is really wonderful city.

a very pleasant moment, gathered together my friends

Nice post. Beautiful pictures of this wonderful carnival
You seem to have enjoyed me a lot through your face
A beautiful tradition I like to stumble upon these things
It made me crayzy hahaha

oh my god lolll ! you are too funny. this is the kind of party i like lol. very picturesque lolll. have a beautiful evening !

Nice carnival. I saw two beautiful cats that are pregnant.

:D just cats would be boring :P


may your friendship be quickly, if no friends living in this world will be dark .. I LOVE YOU Friend

thanks a lot, yeah it would be a bit sad without friends :(

hy ... @lenatramper, can I join in on your happiness 😍😘😘

thanks hehe sure

How it is possible that no one burst your belly? :DIt looks that you had a blast!
Here in Mexico in these days we have carnival too. It is so crazy, I've never seen anything like this before :D

hahah that looks so different compared to Germany :D would be also cool to see such a show in Mexico :D :D

Iam pleasant moment,, i like it photography @lenatramper

Thanks a lot!

Woo the show that attracts friends with cute makeup ...

Lol,,you look pregnant in no time. 🤣

fun party, take me with you for partying, cool

hehe yeah it is quite cool, but not the morning after :P

everything is asleep afterwards hehehe

you and your friends look very happy in a festival and seen from some very funny photos you must be very entertained with this show greetings for all your friends

thanks it was really cool but not the morning after :P xD