Hey guys, cats in my bed, cats over me, cats next to me, cats everywhere! I was pretty lucky to enjoy this moment :D cauuuseeee I love kitties and would call myslef cat woman :D 1998 I got my first cat "Benny", he was my best friend til he passed away. While being at my friends place I was able to cuddle with her kitties and they really liked it. I woke up and saw them everywhere around me. I want to share some moments of this day ...
At this moment cat and me felt in love <3
both of us were pretty tired in the morning
the ears are away
at the beginning kitty was not trusting me 100 %, am I a friend or maybe another enemy? :O
Kitty was cleaning my hair the whole night, sometimes I woke up because of this
Wish you a nice Saturday Evening! See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3
deutsch / same post in German
Hallo! Katzen im Bett, Katzen über mich, Katzen neben mir, Katzen überall! Ziemlich glücklich habe ich mich geschätzt diesen Moment geniessen zu dürfen :D weiiiiil ich diese verdammten Viecher liebe und taufe mich ab heute mal stolz Katzenfrau :P Meine erste Katze habe ich 1998 bekommen. Benny und ich wurden ziemlich beste Freunde bis die Zeit mein Kätzchen gesegnet hat und wir uns wieder trennen mussten. Während ich meine Freundin besuchte, habe ich die Möglichkeit bekommen mir all die nötige Katzenzuneigung zu holen ^^ Nach dem Aufstehen krabbelten die Kätzchen um mich herum und dies möchte ich hier teilen ...
Liebe auf den ersten Blick <3
beide waren wohl morgens ziemlich müde
und weg sind die Ohren
Am Anfang hat sie mir nicht ganz zu 100 % vertraut, Freund oder doch nur ein weiterer Feind? :O
Meine Haare wurden die ganze Nacht abgeschleckt, dadurch wurde ich zwischendurch wach. Naja kostenloseHaarpflege , warum nicht :P
Wünsche euch allen einen schönen Samstag Abend, bis bald und nen Fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3
I am a cat lover too. That animal is funny and make me entertained @lenatramper.
I agree with you!
Kätzenfrau. Warum nicht?
I'm a cat lover @lenatramper. Because the cat is the animal I love the most.
same opinion like you :)
Hey my dear lovely friend @lenatramper where live how much times
wow so cute cats
My Cat , His name is Bitcoin
hellooo bitcoin ^^
It's a beautiful cat , I have a cat at home that's funny
I have posted a funny video in my blog He plays with a mouse haha , you can see it
haha ok , thanks!
The beautiful catfish of the best domestic animals.
Thanks for sharing these photos with your cat
I wish you a happy weekend
thank you very much, wish you a good night!
The beautiful cat @lenataramper is the same as his master. I am glad to see there is a beautiful woman who is very fond of animals, especially this beautiful cat. thank for you shaaring..
Thanks for your words!
Fastastic, the inner beauty, very fascinating...!!!.
Thanks a lot!
wow your look is great @lenatramper i see two beautiful cats.. ^_-
I'm also one of my friends, cat is a funny animal and can be our friend everyday, you are very beautiful friends also with your favorite cat friends
thanks a lot!
Saya ikut sedih atas mati kucing lenatramper, sebenarnya saya juga suka kucing dan saya sangat menyayangi kucing saya.
Cat woman biautiful
thanks, which language do you speak?
thanks for shearing..sexy girl and nice cat.
Schon süß. Katzen sind schon schöne Tiere aber zeigen auch immer schön das sie ihren eigenen Kopf haben ;)
ohhh ja :)
cat woman lena
Good photos👍
thank youuu
cat very beautiful and @lenatramper very beautiful
oh my queen, you are so beautiful. I like the cat, he is very funny.
I have upvote and resteem
Thank u!
I can not focus on cats.
my eyes are interested in seeing your very beautiful face
I also like cats.
they are very cute
:) thanks
Kind people with kind eyes are very few
But beautiful cats with great grace stroll through the alleyways of the universe.
thanks :)
pretty everything..??😊😊
should be :D
The cat is very cute, I like your cat friend
hehe thanks
Looks like Kitty got cutest eyes there & that stare aww! one can't resist that brownish gaze.i guess you manage to built a quick rappot there.😊
hehe they were pretty cute and funny yeah ...but what is a rappot? greetings Lena
Ah okay that's misspelled.it's rapport (bond),my apologies😊
wow beautyful cat..i have never seen...u r also beautyful dear@leanatramper
Thank you very much!
Sweet cat women.
it's nice if we have a cat at home, come home from work we can play with it. we can laugh at his funny behavior. I am also a cat lover, this is my cat 😀😀

This is so true, and your cat is adorable :)
Cute picture, l like it
@lenatramper you are very pretty and you're very cute cat. You guys are so amazing when I see it.please help me vote🤗
Yoi guys....
While waiting for your beautiful rounds, take care of this cute cat dear friend. You've never taken a trip with you? Bring him with you @lenatramper it will be so happy that it writes comments on Steemit xD. Have a nice week-end
hehe no the cats are staying at home always at my friends place :) hahahah I have to ask them if they want to get famous on steemit :D :D Wish you a nice weekend , too!!
What a lovely cat.. it is the best choice for friend.. have a beautiful day..
I agree with you , wish you a good night!
Ciut Cats @lenatramper this amazing my post 😍😍😍
thanks :)
good cat~~🐱🐱
So cool, these photos are homemade and cozy) Separate compliment, that you and the cat are in the same color scheme)))
hahah :) Thanks!
Your cat is very beautiful like you. . it is good to see the love of you and your cat. @lenatramper
thank you :)
The smallest pedigreed cat is a Singapura, which can weigh just 4 lbs (1.8 kg), or about five large cans of cat food. The largest pedigreed cats are Maine Coon cats, which can weigh 25 lbs (11.3 kg), or nearly twice as much as an average cat weighs.
woow :D I prefer the thin one :P
The cat's footpads absorb the shocks of the landing when the cat jumps.
Woooow ,,, nice ur cat 🐈 ، It is a nice and soft cat ,,, they are pets 😉 ، good luck my dear friend @lenatramper 👍
Thanks samer :)
I also had this cat, but he died :'(
:( now it is in heaven and protecting you <3
And do you know this one? "“There are two means of refuge from the misery of life — music and cats.”
― Albert Schweitzer
hehe <3 and so true :)
This poem is special for you @lenatramper that I made ..
My sweet cat ...
You are so funny in my eyes ...
Your voice is shrill but beautiful ...
Creating a lively atmosphere in my house ...
I say sad ...
You cheer me up with your funny moves ...
When I get angry ...
You muffle my anger until I smile back ...
My favorite cat loves me ...
You are a good medicine for me ...
Pujel oh pujel ...
You're my favorite cat ...
:) :) Thank you dear!
the cat is fat and big, we also keep the cat at home, the fur is soft and make us relax
:D yes
Love your photos <3 @lenatramper
thanks :)
que afortunado es esa gato en dormir con una mujer tan espectacular mente hermosa a su lado, saludos bonitas fotos gatubela
no comprendre xD
hehe you had a nice Cat-urday I see :) Lovely photos
thanks hehe :)
You look very nice with cat. But you should pay attention to the cat's bristle for healty. :)
thanks :) they are just at home and very clean :P
Also da gibt es schöneres als eine Katzenzunge in den Haaren. :D
Lieber unterstütze ich da noch die ganze Industrie als das. ^^
Aber ansonsten sind Katzen ja nur lebendige Kissen, die hin und wieder mal einen kratzen oder ein totes Tier anbringen...
Gruß Naturicia
hahah :D so weit denke ich nicht. Katzenzungen können heilen, wusstest du das?
Ne wusste ich nicht :D
Aber du kannst ja mal eine Versuchsreihe machen und die Ergebnisse hier veröffentlichen. ^^
Wooo..The cute cat my friend ..
I upvote and resteem friends
Thanks a lot!
Yes a beautiful friend
Its beautiful cats..i really love cats too...your cats is amazing...@lenatramper
thanks :)
Haha, the last image reminds of the famous Grumpy Cat :D I personally like dogs more but we used to have cats too :) they have their personalities, thats for sure :)
:D to have a grumpy cat copy would be pretty cool :) I like dogs , too. But I am a cat lover :P :P