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RE: The Germ Theory an Idiots Guide

in #germtheory4 years ago

I was JUST talking about this with my friend John Blaid and others who are shouting that NOTHING is contagious. It's true nothing biological is contagious like germs and what not BUT some things emotional and energetic are, like yawning, laughing, crying, fear and hysteria. I think there is definitely some kind of energy exchange but you have to remember that when we are in stress mode we do not detox, it takes too much energy so it's after the stress is over we get symptoms of feeling ill. This is why there seems to be a gap between 'exposure' and the feeling ill. I did mention hysteria in my podcast I just recorded this morning but didn't go into anything else as didn't want to muddy the waters but I think you will find this next one helpful. I'll be putting up the transcript soon.