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RE: The Germ Theory an Idiots Guide

in #germtheory4 years ago

Yes it is too late for many sadly. Am still waiting on Crazz to release my latest talk before I post my script here as I don't want to pre-empt him. He's getting it out all over the place which is great but as you say too late for many. I've been trying to warn people about vaccines for so long I can't hardly remember where it started but the last 5 years the message certainly was getting so mainstream the industry was starting to panic, I do feel they rushed into this covid thing in desperation however this new thing is no vaccine. It is gene therapy which is set to overtake the vaccines completely and many other areas of modern medicine, so what I'm saying is it seems it might be over for them anyway. A newer more sinister yet battle is just beginning. We'll see. Oh yeh the point I'm trying to get across in my new podcast is the roll of vaccines thru history as the cause of these apparent pandemics, even the first one, the plague.

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