I would like to share an alt-coin that I believe has massive potential. It's making huge progress in the events and entertainment world. It's the future of ticketing, and it has been running successfully for several years. It is expanding from its home country of the Netherlands, having signed up a number of ticketers from other countries.
Source: Medium - The future of ticketing
But first....
Before I start, let's get one thing out of the way. I am not your financial advisor, and this is not financial advice. Do your own research, and assess your financial situation before you decide to invest in anything.
Always remember:
- Never invest any more than you can afford to lose.
- Never put all of your eggs in one basket.
With that out of the way...
Short summary
In this blog I will cover:
- My method for picking an alt-coin
- Why the GET Protocol is particularly interesting
- How it is solving fraud and scalping, the plagues of the event ticketing industry.
- The good and reliable team who know what they are doing.-
- Why there is potential for an enormous price increase.
- How to buy the GET Protocol token
How to pick an Alt-coin
When choosing an alt-coin, there are many factors to consider. Which ones are important? Which ones can you ignore?
It's no secret that the space is rife with scams, and failed projects, but among the dirt are some gems waiting to be discovered.
By asking the right questions, you can learn to distinguish those cryptos you can pass on and those where you want to be filling your bags.
Below you will find a checklist of some of the questions I ask myself when looking for such projects.
- What is the market-cap?
- Does the token have an actual use?
- Does the token solve a real world problem?
- Do I understand that use?
- Is there really any demand to use the token?
- Is there any cap on the number of tokens?
- How many are in circulation?
- Are there token burns or other factors which affect the supply and market-cap?
- When was the project started?
- Is this a newly launched venture?
- Is use and adoption growing?
- What does the team look like?
- Is their website updated regularly?
- How frequently is the team communicating with its investors?
- Is the token "undiscovered"?
- What is the potential for future growth in demand?
- Why is this token special?
I don't expect perfect answers to all of the above. However the more positive answers I have, the more excited I become.
GET Protocol - a Token which Scores well on all of the above questions.
GET was set up in 2016 to develop a digital ticketing solution. It solves two important problems facing ticket issuers:
- Fraud (The practice by some criminals of selling invalid, fake or copied tickets)
- Scalping (Scalpers use bots to buy up 100s of tickets as soon as they become available and then re-sell those tickets at extortionate prices)
The GET Protocol is a "white-label" product meaning that any ticket issuer can use the GET protocol when issuing tickets. Tickets are issued directly to the user's mobile phone. Only the person carrying the phone can use the ticket. Scalping is avoided because the user can't re-sell the ticket except on terms dictated by the ticket issuer.
Every interaction with the ticket is recorded on the blockchain. The data is available to the ticket issuer in real time.
Thousands of events have already been ticketed using the GET Protocol. In 2020, despite the Covid-19 pandemic, some 236k tickets were issued using the GET Protocol.
Here you can see a list of artists and event organisers that have already used the GET Protocol.
What is the GET Protocol Token?
We are talking about secure ticketing for pop-concerts, events and livestreams.
Music event
The GET Protocol token is like the GAS that powers Ethereum. It invisibly attaches the ticket to the blockchain, so, like bitcoin, there can only be one genuine ticket.
It's only on one mobile phone at the same time. It can not be on two phones simultaneously.
GET solves the problem of fraudsters selling fake or copied tickets.
Also ticket issuers have complete control over how many tickets can be sold to one person and can set or control any potential re-sale conditions.
GET solves the massive scalping problem, preventing bots from buying up 100s of tickets to re-sell at 4X, sometimes 10X the original price. It avoids the loss of goodwill, ill-feeling and loss of genuine fans that ticketing companies suffer due to scalping activity.
GET Protocol, or "GET", as it is known, trades on the Uniswap Decentralised Exchange. Most people trade GET against Ethereum although some other pairs are available
Where does the GET Protocol come in when issuing tickets?
Although it is completely invisible to the ticket buyer, each ticket is powered by a small amount of GET. This GET has to be bought by the ticket issuer in bulk. The cost is approximately €0.28 per ticket sold. After the ticket has been used at the event gate or at a streaming event, the GET attached to the ticket is burned.
GET Protocol website
The GET Protocol Token - Why do I think it has massive potential.
Let's go back to the list of questions I ask when choosing an alt-coin
Market Cap
At the time of writing the GET protocol's market cap is around $6.7 million, abysmally small for a startup which solves and eliminates one of the most anti-consumer practices which plague the industry. This number looks even small when compared to the industry itself. A cursory google search reveals the ticketing giant StubHub has an estimated market cap of $30 billion, while Ticketmaster has an estimated $883 million. The potential upside then, to put it mildly, is massive.
While it would be very hard for a $20 billion token like Polkadot to do 10X, let alone 100X or 250X, this isn’t a stretch for GET. Indeed, some of the most prominent and longest standing cryptos have all achieved these returns. And they’ve achieved it by being first, and by being truly innovative and revolutionary. It’s not hard then to see why I believe GET can easily 100X. Doing so would put it at $690 market cap, which is still valued below Ticketmaster.
As cryptos go, GET is truly small. I like small-caps because they can make very big moves in a very short space of time.
Real World Use
Unlike many tokens, I actually understand what the GET Protocol token does.
It solves scalping and ticket fraud. What does this mean for you? It means you pay the price the artist intended.
You also have the assurance that the ticket you possess is authentic. Nobody can make a copy of the ticket to get into the event with your ticket
There are several ticketing companies using GET the GET Protocol. These include Guts, Wicket, Tectix and Getticket. Recently I already bought GET Protocol powered tickets to a live-streaming event through from Guts. It was a very easy and streamlined process. If you want to see for yourself, you can go ahead and purchase a ticket to their next event here: https://guts.events/j61uqy/zotsda. Tickets cost just €12.
Demand for the GET Protocol Token
Unlike many tokens, there is a daily demand for the token which must be bought by ticket issuers before they issue GET powered tickets.
With vaccines being rolled out, and more people eager to return to their normal lives, one of the industries predicted to experience a surge is the event industry. With the pandemic nearing a close, the number of ticket sales could go through the roof. Think what millions of tickets sold would do to the value of GET if 28 cents of GET had to be included in the price of each ticket and burned.
Just think about what a constant buyback of the token can do to the price. This is a project which can see massive returns over time, even without new investors.
The market cap won't stay at $6.7 million.
I like tokens that are either deflationary in nature, or with a fixed supply.
GET Protocol offers the best of both worlds. There is a fixed supply of 33.4 million tokens. There is ongoing demand to buy the tokens. Tokens are being burned after use.
The GET supply is broken down into three portions:
- Circulating supply (13.5 million)
- Stability Fund (12.6 million). These tokens can never enter the circulating supply. They are used to supply ticketing companies and then burned. An equivalent amount of GET is then purchases in the market place to replenish the stability fund.
- User Growth Fund (7.24 million). These tokens are used for marketing to new clients, and as a reserve for paying for a possible exchange listing. In principle they should not enter the circulating supply.
A a burn mechanism buys back a portion of tokens from the market each time a ticket is issued, and sends them to a burn address. With a decreasing supply, and an increased demand, I expect to see a positive price action.
Not a new project
As mentioned before, GET was founded some five years ago. Whereas most projects over-promise and under-deliver (and in most cases, fail), GET has consistently delivered on their promises, while building a company that has sold half a million tickets since inception, and garnering the financial backing and support of some of Netherland’s most prominent artists. They’ve even managed to get K-Pop legend Won-Kwan Jung to join the advisory board to help the startup navigate the K-Pop industry. Expansion has already happened across several countries, including Italy and South Korea.
Despite the pandemic GET is still growing their client base
How many alt-coins don't seem to have a proper team? Most don't even have a picture or bio. These are to be avoided. In GET’s case, the team are as transparent as can be, with key members attending multiple conferences and allowing investors to come visit their office.
The GET's team is very well known in Holland. You can see the CEO appearing on this video three years ago, explaining to the artists how the GET Protocol solves the awful scalping problem. it's terribly funny as the host does not know what a blockchain is.
You can read more about the team on their website at https://get-protocol.io/about.
GET is regularly updating the public with blogs and news published on their website. Furthermore they are active every day on Telegram and Twitter. Getting in touch has proven to be easy. Getting answers to all your questions even easier with knowledgeable members. Everyone in the community is responsive and helpful and are doing their part to see GET succeed.
If you want to check it out join the GET Protocol Telegram channel at https://t.me/getprotocol.
The GET Protocol token is an undiscovered GEM
While most ICO’s saw phenomenal returns in 2017, the majority of these projects were unable to sustain their newfound success, largely because they had their priority backwards. While most projects looked to the short term, GET’s focus has always been on the long term, choosing instead to build the infrastructure and to let their service speak for themselves, holding off on marketing efforts. But that’s about to change. Recently, the team has revealed their plan to ramp up their marketing efforts which may finally help the company reap the fruits of their efforts.
GET seems to be overlooked. There seems to be no YouTuber talking about it. The GET story is much more powerful than many of the tokens being promoted. It's only a question of time before GET attracts attention in the media.
There’s not much to say about GET’s price, except I believe price discovery will take place very soon, and upwards of $100 per GET is looking more and more likely given all my reasons above.
All too often I am discovering a crypto that I think has potential only to find that it has already gone up 10x, 20x or 50x before I discovered it. Clearly I won't make as much money as I would have made, had I found it earlier.
However, with GET, you are in luck! The price is still low. The token has not gone up with the rest of the crypto market. Since last September the price has spent most of its time stuck in a narrow range below $0.60. GET's price has barely budged. This has led to some community members jokingly calling GET a "stable-coin".
What will cause the price to rise? Apart from the obvious of being "discovered" by a YouTuber, the mere fact that the lockdowns will come to an end should mean more concerts, more events and more tickets. That simply means more GET must be purchased by ticket issuing companies.
If you agree with me about the enormous potential for GET, you can buy before the price rises.
GET is very cheap at the moment. It won't stay that way for long in my opinion.
More to come
GET is working on some very important projects at the moment such as GET event financing using NFT tokens. I won't go into all the details of the exciting developments coming this year. You can read more here andhere
You can go to the GET Protocol website on your own and read all about it. Needless to say, there is a lot happening with GET and it is about to be discovered.
Considering everything, GET Protocol is an undiscovered gem that could easily 250X when it is discovered. Now is the chance to get in before the others. Do your own research before relying on me.
Addendum - Where to buy GET Protocol
GET trades on the Uniswap Decentralised Exchange. Most people trade GET against Ethereum although some other crosses are available. You can check the recent prices yourself.
GET Protocol website: https://get-protocol.io/about
Uniswap GET-ETH Pair: https://info.uniswap.org/pair/0x2680a95fc9de215f1034f073185cc1f2a28b4107
GET Protocol Telegram Group: https://t.me/getprotocol
Warnings: Never trust any link from me or anyone else. Hover your mouse over the link and check the authenticity of any links you see. If trading on Uniswap, take care. There are many fake pairs. Verify before trading.
I do not work for the company. I have not been paid to write this article. I do not expect to be paid. I have not asked for any form of remuneration or reward in return for writing this, and will not do so.
Interesting, thanks for sharing your research on get protocol.
Yes do research is the best thing to do before investing but these kind of small market cap coins is preferable than those that has big market cap because even if you would loose, it cannot be much. And all Cryptocurrency has future so best thing is just invest and forget it there till it grow
Nice blog Clive!
I love the fact that there are buybacks linked to a fiat value & the amount of tickets sold. So the buyback will continue pushing the price up as long as tickets are being sold. It's also a protection mechanism making sure the price can never fall much.
With 236k tickets sold during covid, I think this is a true gem about to explode when events return again.
I am interested in these small caps, but these days I am holding fire on Uniswap listed tokens because of the the high gas fees - its way over the $2 or $3 bucks we used to pay.
Nice research!! Very thorough. If GET isn't paying you, maybe they should. :-) I just reengaged with the Hive community and was going through some of my old "followed" people. I'm happy to see you're still in the space. I'll be interested to see what GET does. IIRC, you were pretty good with your analysis in the past. Good luck and I'm sure I'll be seeing you around....
Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!@swissclive, sorry to see you have less Hive Power.
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz: