Get free steam now!
Get free bytes now and replace it for Steem. Here are the steps to follow the pictures.....
Step 1: Download this wallet:
Step 2: Follow the picture
Step 3: Follow the picture...........
Step 4: Follow the picture................
Step 5: Click on "Bot store" and go to "Steem Attestation Bot" and click on it and open the chat...
Step 6: Click 3 points (...) under the floor and you will receive a message from the boat
Click on "Enter my address (small wallet address)" and send it to the button..
Step 7: Click on the link and log in to your Steam Account and link the wallet to your Stage
Step 8: Select "Public"
Step 9: Inbox will be sent to 50000 bytes to pay you a bottle.
Step 10: Wait 5 minutes to confirm the transaction and click "Request payment: 49000 bytes"
Step 11: Click to send xlixk (click to send all) ...
Step 12: Enjoy your free bytes. Steam to replace bytes, I'm inbox and how I can explain
good good
vot diba na naki