nama muthafukin ste.
i hope thats a joke cause it seems to me to be the complete oppsite of namaste.
i try to pay attention but am busy so i miss alot. i have not tried to ignore it, i just have been in a drunk stupor the last year maybe 2.
im thinking about it and i might be recalling talking with you when feminisms account was bought? part of me is thinking it was beanz i was talking to but now im remembering you might have been the main person that paid money for feminisms account. idk any more tbh, last 2 years have been a fast ride of confusion for me.
Do you only post about feminism stuff on this account cause i remember you posting about normal stuff in the past. if your only going to post cult like stuff on this account too let me know as i shouldnt follow. i will only get drunk and say stuff that cult members wont like ( like facts). but if its going to be a mix of evertything with a little feminisn mixed in i can over look the propaganda or atleast try to so i can see the not inclusive marxist divide and conquor stuff.
I know i followed you for a reason and i also know it had nothing to do with a gender based supremacy movement propaganda publication.
i trust your advice at this point as i knopw we have had run ins a couple times, should i unfollow like i did with feminism? im not trying to create more drama and if unfollowing will save you from some madness i will oblige or however its spelled.
also i see i have another reply from you and it asks something about if we were "knocking boots", i smile and laugh a little. im going to be honest with the answer and not in a mean way as some might think thats what i am saying when i say honest. no clue what the full question is but i seen something bout knocking boots and the 7th grader in me started smiling.
will reply and hope the world is good to you. i mean no harm just trying to understand and at the same time express my view of what i see going on. its ok to disagree too. maybe?
cheers and sorry for the book long reply. im a bit drunk and tend to rant when i am.