in #gettoknowme6 years ago

Big shout out to @anomadsoul for putting this contest together...while I may not be in as much torment as some with this HF20...I am enjoying reading through the tag #gettoknowme - I'd like to start out by nominating @wilx @cartex7 and @sumatranate

I lived a life of dormant passivity in my teenage age to early 20's. Like many asked some of the big questions of 'who am I, why am I on the earth etc.' On this platform have written sporadicly about my actual experiences, but have used this platform to exhort individuals into a life of purpose and passion.

I also hate the man - I would say the system helped keep me in passivity, castrating any internal courage with fear of what others think about me, and the expectations of the system required for me to live a 'successful life'...I have since learned to flip the bird to the handlers of culture, think for myself and am building an internal framework of passion and purpose to dictate my life.

In turn, I have found enjoyment and certain levels of skill in catalyzing others to live lives that breakthrough from handlers of our culture, empowering them to think, and live for something bigger then themselves.

Enjoy the read/s:

  1. The Most Powerful Force

  2. I wrote 5 articles on building a powerful marriage. Heres the 2nd When You Don't Feel It

  3. Selfishness helps us maintain average complacency...this can come with some tension - but really like this article; Survival Is Selfish

  4. Crowd mentality will crush creative thought and purpose. This article hits one of my heartstrings in that we gather we generally lack courage to have general friendship with those we disagree withCan You Maintain Relationship When You Disagree?

  5. Parenting From Value's Not BehaviorMy kids are my practice group for all this, and its my greatest honor on this planet to embrace #dadlife - they get in most of my writings. I did a 6 part series on building powerful kids - this one is


Six. This read is a quick one - but summarizes my disdain for complacency. Comfort Zones Suck

Seven. I did a four part series on different things that are deemed acceptable or normal in our culture that are actual hindering us from having real connections with humans - Subtle Obstruction to Real Connection

Eight. Depression/Apathy/Hopelessness had an incredible hold on my life for 5 years - in my own personal growth I have found empathy for those in that muck and will frequently do what I can to invite peeps out of that - Dont' Let Your Normal Suck

Nine. Here's another take on the importance of family - and more then that understanding how your family impacts you...both positive and negative Your Grid On Family

Ten. This dood is one my favorite ideas - the concept of creating safety is fairly spaces are not real They Are Called Relationships

If you read any of these - hopefully you feel the capacity to push yourself beyond whats normal, value family, and if a parent - be an awesome one...

067A3432.jpgEither way Live Big Today - Slay your personal dragons, greatness is a choice!


Thanks for sharing more about yourself. I appreciate your nomination. The funny thing is that I saw the same challenge and wrote up my post two days ago.

Keep pressing forward and keep Steeming!