Well you can't really blame Bill Goldberg for trying to cash in on doing the whole wrestler turned movie-star thing but wow, i mean wow, this movie is bad in pretty much every way imaginable.

To start off with, Goldberg can't act. While this isn't terribly relevant when referring to professional wrestlers who want to be actors we also need to focus on another important aspect of his celebrity: He WAS (not is) a popular wrestler. When Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson started appearing in films he was simultaneously one of the "most electrifying names in sport entertainment" rather than someone you kind of remember from 10 years ago.
During a campout in North Carolina, a local I guess homeless dude who is over-the-top dirty throughout the film, accidentally stumbles on a homegrown terrorism plot to invade the USA. He attempts to report this to the authorities only to have the notion laughed at and basically ignored. Seeing as how the officials will not listen, he eventually runs tells the plan to local tough guy Goldberg, who eventually relents and decides to take matters into his own hands (I do not remember his name in the film... sorry.)

In case it was important (and believe me when i say that it definitely isn't) Bill plays a wholesome, hard-working, family oriented, kind and patriotic American who also happens to have a background in the military. He also happens to know a bunch of people who have similar features and of course one of them is a super-hot weapons expert who only wears shirts that expose her chest at all times and her belly just most of the time. Bullets can't hit hotness: It is known.

Ok, so here is what makes the movie good. While it isn't intentional, the dialogue and near complete lack of actual acting ability make this movie hilarious to watch. The predictable sequence of events make it even more fun. There are also the usual nonsensical action film things such as cars exploding when shot with bullets and what movie would be complete without the "I'm a touch guy with a gun, you are a tough guy with a gun... let's both put our guns down and fight like men" sequence.
I don't feel as though it is even necessary for me to even write this because anyone with partial brain activitiy can figure out that eventually Bill and his pals somehow get a hold of military-grade weapons and storm the place the terrorists are holding out and defeat them all.

Bill is a law-abiding type, I'm surprised the mission wasn't called off at this point seeing as how that fence is clearly marked as a do not enter area
The action tries to be exciting, but they really didn't have the budget and some of the special effects are just hilarious.
From time to time, i really enjoy movies like this but at the same time can't help but feel bad for the actors because sorry guys, but you just aren't good. While i have never heard of Kenny Johnson, he is listed as the star of this film when we all know that if Goldberg wasn't in it, no one would have ever even heard of it.
Dear Mr. Goodsteem,
This is a letter from Kenny Johnson's Mom.
While I admit I never saw this movie, and while I admit that Goldberg looks like he has less acting skills than a leaf of lettuce, and while I admit that bullets can't penetrate hotness, and while I admit that Goldberg should have terminated his mission without prejudice on seeing the "Do not Enter" sign, and while I admit that this review was funny as cluck, I feel that you, Sir, now need to admit that you made a mistake dissing my Kenny.
Kenny Johnson is and always has been a God of TV: my Kenny not only was a Sergeant in SAMCRO on "Sons of Anarchy," he not only went up against Dexter in Dexter's final Season, he not only was Norman Bates's Uncle AND Father, by incest; my Kenny was Vic Mackey's goddammit best friend, Lem, on "The Mothertrucking Shield!"
So you see why I take issue with you Mr. Goodsteem.
My Kenny and his agent will accept a bottle of tequila in lieu of an apology.
Thank you, Mr. Goodsteem!
Kenny Johnson's ever-lovin' Mom. :)
awesome response. I never knew that Kenny Johnson had so many roles!
"Check Point" takes off with an action/fight scene that is so incredibly laughable and bad that most viewers turn of at once. So why watch the rest ? Well, it has a well known cast/stuntmen from past decades:
William Forsythe (Out For Justice, Stone Cold, The Rock, Devil's Rejects, Halloween 2007) - Bill Goldberg (WWE / Universal Soldier: The Return) - Tyler Mane (Michael Myers in Halloween 2007 en Halloween II 2009) - Fred Williamson (most memorable in From Dusk Till Dawn) - Kane Hodder (All round stuntman and played Jason four times, also starred in the Hatchet trilogy as Victor Crowley)
Sadly, all the characters are badly written, they have nothing to work with. The "based on true events" story is anything but interesting. The rest of the cast is wooden at best. Nothing really happens until the last 15 minutes but enduring more cheap and badly choreographed action is disappointing and heartbreaking. Is this what an action movie is these days ? Even as a drama or serious movie "Check Point" falls flat on it's face.
So sad, it's like watching another Steven Seagal turkey and remember: he had some awesome action films back in the day. But again, that seems to be ancient history, so sad.. Skip this turkey, regardless of these once great actors..
since you stared reviewing movies, it has inspired me to do it too. and that's amazing that you are not only bringing good movies into limelight but bad ones too! keep up with the good work.
From the poster I can already tell that its going to be a cheesy action movie
Hiii.... Gooddream
Great Post with Good Explanation...
You Always Give Perfect Review On Your Every Posts And More than most review perfect...
kenny johnson? really is he the star of the movie. well he shouldnt even be called a junior artist (just in that particular movie). bill goldberg took the hghlight of the whole film. to start with the story is brilliant. the way the sequences are built and movie advances are really great. however goldbergs acting wasnot that top class. it was just average. not at all matching Rock. like the movie. Goldbergs lady partner is cool. nice movie but very much unreal.
so amazing
Goldberg is my one of the favorite wrestler, I always support when who playing fight is any wrestling match.
Ya.. opposite fron The Rock. he can fight and act but he can't sing
Just say Sir, I'm going to carry this kind of flime. Wrote the remarkable.
Hollywood taking wwe wrestlers for their movie..they don't even know how to do acting...They must give chances to the young celebrities
wow what a great information Bill Golgberg is doing a movie.. he is one of my favourite wrestler...thanks for this blog
Nice story Nd pretty good build up at first. But defeating the terrorists on his own with a woman partner is something unreal by Bill Dolberg. He isn't that a great actor but he managed it well. Great job. The movie however is not that special. I think it should've been more realistic somehow. Still thanks for sharing.
2/10, OMG thats sooooo bad😄😄😄, i wony evem bothet looking it up