A friend of mine sent me a message telling me that I gotta check out "Gucci Gang" because that s**t is FIRE! I complied.
After listening to the song I seriously believed that my friend was pulling my leg and having a laugh at my expense. I thought a lot less of his musical taste once it was discovered that he was being serious.

This otherwise unemployable fella is called Lil Pump and while I think that mumble rap (that's what this is, right?) is a scourge on the music scene and specifically on rap, I gotta hand it to him. He actually got 790 million views on youtube. The lyrics are extremely repetitive and notat all inventive. There is no talent exhibited in his bars and the only thing I can say good about it is that bassy backing sample is pretty tight.
It is my understanding that mumble rap is pretty popular and guys, i gotta say that I fear for humanity if this is the case. Even other rappers, specifically and recently Eminem are calling out these guys but they never respond because they can't really. I don't think they should try because it becomes evident quite quickly that the Em and Snoop and 50 are correct. The diss tracks that Eminem has recently made towards mumble rap are hilarious and exhibit what a rapper with actual talent does on a track.
I'll give you a hint, it doesn't involve saying Gucci Gang over and over and over and over and over.
This isn't the Gucci Gang video but rather a creative spoof of it that is probably only funny if you are familiar with the real song.
*well done Bart Baker *
What do you think? I feel mumble rap is indefensible but I guess I am missing something here because these tracks are routinely at the top of the charts. I guess I just don't get it!
Not gonna lie, i'm not a big fan of rap music and trap genre whatsoever, but the few songs i heard of that kind of music genre are BULLCRAP, they're mostly boring and generic, this generation of rap music is being so shitty lately, it's not like the early 2000s when the music was AWESOME
I totally agree with you man... I don't get as well why this type of genre is so popular... it doesn't even reflect a very hard working song with excellent lyrics and a deep message like those old rock songs like "In the end" , "Welcome to the black parade" or "Stairway to heaven". That's why those songs are a classic that will remain forever though the gucci gang songs are just most like "a popular song of the century" that will not remain much throughout the music history.
Man, that's something I can't understand either. In my opinion, this is the sign of our time. Music is changing and it is a normal thing, the trap is everywhere, mumble gets attention and some rappers make dope shit in this style.
Lil Pump is no skill in my opinion (I mean his lyrics, flow and "message") but youngsters love his style - tattoos, money, cars, girls and they want to live like that. For me, it is the only explanation for his success.
I'm glad that you mention the Kamikazdze album @gooddream this shit is so dope, that I can't stop to listen to it. For real. Shady is an icon of rap and I have so much fun when he sends to school all new wannabes. Especially MGK. In one of the interviews, rapers were asked about Em and one of them says "You don't mess with the white boy, this is suicide" and this is the evidence. 😉
Best wishes bro! 👊
I like Bart Baker and I really love Weird Al.
ditto buddy, Weird Al was a massive part of my childhood.
Dude it’s absolutely garbage! Terrible shit, not music, brainwashing the youth into wanting to take cough medicine and be ‘cool’ ... that just my opinion haha. But it’s absolute garbage
hahaha. People often make these things popular, I'm scratching my head. There was another rap recently became popular its "HODL GANG" I found that good and not over overdone.
I think, all music has a crowd. Maybe this "mumble rap" about good life and rebellion. Everyone is listening to what he/she likes.
Example I love to make melodic music about creative, feelings and positive things.
But I mean It's beautiful, all people is unique :)
Have a great day!
from what i can tell mumble rap is about doing xanax and having crap tons of money.... But i only know that by watching the videos with subtitles because otherwise i have no idea what they are talking about in the songs. :)
I like the spoof it is hilarious:P
I don't have words to describe the video😮, my brain wanted to stop the video but my hands didn't reaction and thought what tha hell! let's watch all the video.
Gucci gang my favourite singer
I love Gucci gang
I challenge you to some freestyle mumble
I don't even know them.
people shouldnt really complain about music they don't understand tbh...
this type of music isn't all about lyrics.