My problem with this whole "straw controversy"

in #getyerlearnon7 years ago

It seems like a large group of my pals are jumping on the anti-straw bandwagon as it is the virtue-signaling flavor of the week for people that spend entirely too much of their lives on social media. I'm not claiming innocence, i spend quite a lot of time on there myself. However, this latest campaign against evil straws is just a bit absurd.


I don't know exactly how it got started, I am sure Starbucks, in their constant pursuit to sabotage their own business had something to do with it. They decided, in a virtue signaling effort for the ages, that they were no longer going to have their usual plastic tops and straws but instead convert to a "sippy cup" thing instead.


Environmentalists applauded Starbucks vision for a greener future but guess what the sippy cup tops are made of? You guessed it: Plastic. As a matter of fact, there is actually MORE plastic involved in the new lids than their classic plastic cup / straw combo. Starbucks claims that this is still a success because the new lids are easier to recycle.... come on guys, who are you kidding - that isn't going to happen and you know it.

So perhaps that got the virtue-signalling ball rolling as everyone frantically takes "look at me" photos of them refusing a straw at a restaurant and just drinking out of the glass. A choice that they really should have been making for years before now but didn't because it wasn't Instagram-worthy.


It was funny to watch the news channels cite a statistic about how Americans use 500 million straws a day! but as it turns out this statistic was created by a 9-year old kid who estimated this number based on 3 phone calls he made to 3 straw manufacturers. The actual figure is around 125 million, which is still a crazy number but I think maybe the news stations should start to look in the mirror and realize why nobody trusts them anymore.

I'm all about doing what we can for the environment, but this straw thing is a load of crap in the grand scheme of things. Some actual scientists who aren't in elementary school compiled data over the course of many months of research to discover that there are currently 8.3 billion plastic straws that are in danger of entering the water system of the world - that is a scary number indeed... however, they determined that if we were to INTENTIONALLY throw them into the ocean this would only account for .03% of the overall plastic waste in the ocean.

I'm not saying that we should do nothing - i live in a country that has some of the most irresponsible plastic use in the world. I refuse straws at 7-11 because i don't need them, i also refuse plastic bags for the most part because i also don't need them. However, if i find myself in a situation where i want or need a friggin straw or plastic bag you better believe I am going to get one.

This latest media panic over straws is a waste of time. The people who are jumping on board this are either ignorant, or deliberately deceitful. If you really want to make a difference, how about identifying something that is a larger part of the problem then a mere .03%

Furthermore, a vast majority of the world's plastic waste is introduced to the ocean by a mere 5 countries. China, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Since this is the case, why are straws being banned in Los Angeles and Vancouver? If you don't think it is because some politician is trying to score points with people easily fooled, well, i don't know what to tell you because that is what it is.

I think the world has gone completely insane. We have a problem with plastic waste, this is undeniable. But what does the media immediately latch on to? The absolutely smallest portion of what the problem is in a part of the world that doesn't actually contribute to the problem in a meaningful capacity.

This next one is false but that doesn't make it not funny


I don't normally get political at all but since my FB feed and IG is completely inundated with "look at me" eye-rolling moments, i had to say something.


Straws are dangerous and need to be banned in all countries forever... I mean look at what is happening around the world....
They are out to get us!

good one... haha

Disabled rights activists are against the ban, and they are a liberal civil rights organization. Disabled people need to drink, and paper straws can be flimsy.

As far as I can tell, we in the the UK are not facing a ban, but some companies are moving their straws behind the counter, so you have to request them, like porn.

"Can I have a straw please?"
"Can I see your id, Sir?"
"I don't have id. I'm a kid. That's why I want a straw, numbnuts!"

And, get this: MacDonalds are moving their biodegradable PAPER straws behind the counter, so as not to offend people who are triggered by the mere SIGHT of straws.

I mean, I don't want turtles to choke on plastic straws, but the idea of people getting triggered by PAPER straws now, puh-lease! :)

Sometimes the call to action is more important than the action itself.

The people and companies that contribute in a small attempt to make the world a better place should be commended. Even if one doesn't take part oneself it is of little use to criticize their cause when it does no harm.

Approximately 10-20 million tons of plastic land up in the ocean every year. 0.03% (citation needed on that) may sound small but 3 000 000 kgs per year (on the lowest end of the spectrum) does not.

Every small bit done by a collective helps.

To those making the world a better place:

Keep up the great work!

the scientists that made the 8.3 billion straw estimate are Australians Denise Hardesty and Chris Wilcox.

Warning, the above is a very long and boring academic journal, but i suppose that adds credibility to it. One of highlights of the journal is that nearly 50% of the actual plastic waste in the oceans is discarded fishing nets, which I can promise as an ex scuba instructor, kills far more sea turtles than straws.

Certainly in this age of 'green', eateries could support a biodegradable straw. I respect the need for straws; but, purchasing a stainless-steel straw seems like a perfect investment and/or gift.

Best regards.


save the money that would be spent on that stainless-steel straw and put it towards something that actually is a part of the problem. The entire point of my diatribe was to point out the complete fallacy of the whole anti-straw campaign.

what the sippy cup tops are made of? You guessed it: Plastic.

Many thanks @gooddream. I took a second read; and, agree about selectivity on what products we get to use. Btw, I've never been to a Starbucks (purposely so); but, that sippy cup is kinda' 'cute'; however, the thought of drinking hot coffee out of something that looks like that is 'scary'.

Geez, smh at the irony of the drug-identifying straws being banned in, of all places, H-wood.

No worries about me owning a s/s straw. I'm with the majority of real-world people. On the rare occasion I need a straw, I'm glad they exist.

Campaigns such as this never last. Just like plastic bags, stores are once again 'allowed' to offer them as an option after two years of a ban.

Best regards.


Interesting Post. Open space for us to discuss.
our lives are so close to plastic. Even though we know platics are not easily broken down and require a very long time, it does not mean we cannot do anything.
When I was a kid, more food packages used banana leaves or other decent leaves. However, at the moment we find it difficult to find banana leaves to cook food. while plastic manufacturers see great opportunities to sell plastics for various purposes.
The synergy between the needs and availability of goods makes the capital holders compete to produce plastic, from straws, spoons, plates and even plastic bags.
In my opinion, we don't need to be too plastic. but trying to reduce its use. if you only have to use plastic, just don't overdo it. for example, we shop for a small item that can be inserted into a pocket without a plastic bag. Do not need to ask for plastic or ask for items not to be placed in plastic containers.
We can also make used plastic creations for decoration. We can make various accessories using plastic straws. We can even make shopping bags from plastic packaging detergent, cooking oil or snacks.
In our area, a waste bank has also begun to be developed. community members collect garbage that has economic value to be weighed and rewarded money that will be accumulated in a savings.
We live in Indonesia and feel that plastic is a waste that is very annoying because every time there is a crowd, plastic becomes a problem that cannot be left behind.
Need an appropriate solution to overcome it. and in a world that wants to restore lam better, plastic is a challenge for everyone. not only activists who want to be famous, but loyal involvement of people to reduce plastic use

thank you Steemit
warm regard from Indonesiathank you @gooddream

Bans can play a role, but your right it is not going to solve the problem....I think a better idea would be concentrating on facilities and systems to convert this stuff into some usable products. I enjoyed your article. Well written and your funny

that would be something i could get on board with. :)

This is really trending post my friend.

Hiii... Gooddream

Great Post.

We need to care. People are not looking serious in this case. We need to think about this issue. We together can change the world. We just need to be serious.bycot unnecessary things of plastic.

Excellent article