Back in the late 80's RPG's were a relatively new concept. This is because up until that point there was no method of storing your progress until someone figured out how to put a small battery in the cart. This might have been done by Zelda on the NES but I can't say that with certainty.
Anyway, Phantasy Star II is perhaps the largest reason why I was a Genesis (Mega Drive) fanboi at the time of the console wars.

The main reason that i say i will "keep this in my memories" is because there have been instances in the past that I have replayed games that were a big part of my growing up only to well, seriously hate them because games have come a long way in the past 30 years. It is better to just look at them and remember how much you loved them than to try to relive that moment because you can't. I also strongly encourage you young fellas out there to just take my word for it about how epic this game was and dont try to emulate it because after 10 minutes you will likely have a WTF? attitude about my advice.

Looking at this now it is looks dumb, but back in 1989 having a group of characters follow you around with gear that you needed to swap out in order to succeed, was actually really cool. Maybe we were more patient back then.
couple this with the fact that all the fights (other than the boss ones) were completely random encounters on a grid with turn-based attacks, and well, it is easy to understand how people today might think this is dumb... but it was the SH*T back in the day.
You gotta keep in mind that we already had better looking games than this in 1989 but we didn't have was the ability for a game to be REALLY LONG and to save your progress including all items in your inventory and how many HP each character had the last time you logged in (we didn't even have internet back then.) So this game was absolutely exceptional.
the story was fantastic and when NEI dies at one point, you are actually really sad about it. Unlike most Japanese translation games they actually did a very good job with this one as there was no point in the game where it didn't make sense.

Even the boss battles had the same graphics behind and when i look at it now, i can't believe I loved it so much but i did.... Perhaps I am not doing the title justice but if only you had been alive at the time to know that everything we had done up to that point had to either be a short-ass game or something that had a massive code for you to enter in order to carry on with your progress.
there are no short vids of this. I don't expect the younger viewers to appreciate this but just try to understand that it was pretty epic back in the late 80's :)
This game is absolutely awesome. I didn't hear about it. I'm going to play it because I'm a lover of rpg. Currently I play some games of that genre. This is another game to my list.
to be honest i wouldn't play the original if i were you. It was amazing at the time but would be cumbersome and boring by today's standards.
@kevinpule1998 there is a remake of the game that has been translated:
It's a great game :)
streamlining inventory management should be carefully considered when bringing back retro games. If it adds to the strategy then keep it but make it as least cumbersome as possible. If it's nothing more than a time waster cuz of technical limitations at the time scrap it.
My favorite part about this is the fact that PSO2 just got an update, and the story added from it seems to involve the school in the anime. I can't really tell though since I can't read japanese and the english patch hasn't gotten to it yet
Hola para las personas que le jugar distraerse les traigo esta top de 06 juegos para que se diviertan y lo descarguen aqui esta el link:
This game remember me the first games of final fantasy 👌 old times 😥