stressy town...London is the same. I can recommend Katz’s Delicatessen, the best pastrami sandwich I ever eaten.
205 East Houston Street
(corner of Ludlow St)
New York City, 10002
stressy town...London is the same. I can recommend Katz’s Delicatessen, the best pastrami sandwich I ever eaten.
205 East Houston Street
(corner of Ludlow St)
New York City, 10002
good suggestion. I tried to eat at Kat'z several years ago but it was going to be 2 hours before we were served so we moved down the street to another Deli with (unsurprisingly) had nearly the same menu. It was the best pastrami sandwich i ever had also... :)
yeah I know, Katz’s is packed with people...but it was worth the waiting time.
Cheers !