Celebrities can have their own political beliefs, but when they use their fame to push their beliefs it becomes irritating and condescending.
Being famous doesn't make you any more politically aware or knowledgable than anyone else. In fact, you're likely less politically aware since you live in a bubble of the rich, famous and with very little political diversity. You're surrounded by people who either share the same beliefs or don't dare challenge them out of fear or ticking off the wrong person. Ideas have to be challenged, otherwise it just becomes an echo chamber.
Laws, policies and events that effect the general public might not effect celebrities at all. Recently Bill Maher said he wants the economy to crash to reflect poorly on Trump. While it wouldn't hurt someone worth tens of millions of dollars very much, everyone else would suffer through layoffs, bankruptcies, foreclosures, reduced working hours, etc.
yeah, i remember that Maher comment. He got a lot of grief for that and rightfully so.