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RE: They Live (film): It took me 30 years to finally see it

Oh man, you are crushing my memories.

I haven't seen it in a decade, but this is a favorite B-movie of mine.

I agree that Roddy Piper is the most credible wrestler to appear in a movie, more so, even than The Rock.

And I agree the movie is full of plot holes.

And I agree that Meg Foster's piercing green eyes always make her look like an alien in every movie ever, even when she isn't lol.

But how can you criticize Carpenter for his pervasive music. It's like his signature. Remember that Halloween theme that spooked the world through every effin scene! Remember Kurt Russell's Snake Plisskin exploring apocalyptic New York accompanied by synths, or Kurt Russell again, as The Thing started bursting out of the belly of poor innocent dogs, while Carpenter spooked the ice station with musical motifs? Or crikey, Carpenter's "The Fog" theme, as the mists roll in from the sea?

John Carpenter and music are one of the wonders of movie history, similar to James Cameron's "The Terminator," in the way music memorably evokes a pervasive atmosphere like a blanket, around the films, from first to finish.

And for once, a wrestler, whose whole game is unrealistic macho fighting, gets to do just that, against aliens and collaborators, while otherwise acting credibly.

My great affection for this movie is slightly scarred by your review (lol), but I hope I still love it when I check it out again this month! :)


as always and expected, you followed up wonderfully. I enjoyed your response more that the film. :)

Aww, I love your blog.

It's entertaining, opinionated, addresses diverse topics, and like Forest Gump, we never know what we're going to get! :)