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RE: #GetYourAssOnSteemit Meme Kit: Growth Idea For The M00n

in #getyourassonsteemit8 years ago (edited)

great campaign.. I know first hand :) Be careful and don't wash your button like I did. It looks a little different...working with clay is fun. I may make a few and promise people my full 3 cents upvote once it goes back up. Right now it is hanging at 2 cents. Very creative > UPVOTED... .just had to put my 2 cents in (pun intended) upvoted for 2 cents...great work as usual @stellabelle Really I may just promise them some funds once in and transfer to their account.


I have a token from @stellabelle and think this is a fantastic idea because we can pass them on.


hey this is good to know.. how much.. isn't it free otherwise?