5 Easy Steps to Monetize Your Created Content with Web Monetization Platforms

in #gfam2 years ago (edited)

5 Easy Steps to Monetize Your Created Content with Web Monetization Platforms

1.Choose a Web Monetization Platform that is right for your content.

2.Set up your content with the platform.

3.Choose the platform or service that your content deserves it.

4.Set up your content examples.

5.Adjust your monetization strategy as needed.


1. Choose a Web Monetization Platform that is right for your content.

There are many web monetization platforms available on the market, but which one should you choose?
There are a few factors you need to consider before choosing a web monetization platform.

Size of market
– It is important to make sure the platform you are choosing can grow with the market demand. There are many platforms you can use to create and share your content for monetization. However, it is important to make sure the platform you are using is safe.

Some platforms to consider:

Facebook or Meta – This is a well-known platform that is known for its neutrality and security. However some countries are restricted to use this platform. Family and friends can communicate using this app however there is still some security risk to consider.

Instagram – This is a social media also owned by Meta that is relevant to people who are interested in photograph content and also short video clip.

Tiktok – This platform is focused on helping people create effective community for short video clips content.

Youtube – the famous one for sharing large video clips or even movies.

Highly Recommended

gFam.live - Social media is a prevalent form of communication today. gFam.live tries to fix social media thru connecting and creating global family. This includes content creator and the hundreds of brand or businesses that wanted to support people on social media using crypto currency micropayment transactions or the famous coil subscriptions where users and brands can benefits mutually. People also use social media to express thoughts and feelings. Social media can be beneficial in many ways. However, it can have negative effects on people's mental health if used incorrectly. Some people find it difficult to disconnect from their online life. This is due to the accessibility and constant connection to social media.

Social media has many benefits for people's daily life. People in developing countries use social media as a way to stay in touch with family and friends from the past same goes on Facebook or Meta when it was first created and introduce to the internet. It is free and easy to utilise but access is inexpensive and can be used on mobile phones. Social media has also become a way for people to keep updated with current events around the world. It's a great way to stay informed and can help people make intelligent decisions in their social lives and careers. People also use social media to connect with charity organizations or find jobs abroad. It's a great way to stay connected with family and friends from all over the globe.

When choosing a platform, it is important to take into account the platform’s security and neutrality. Additionally, it is important to make sure the platform you are using is safe. There are many platforms you can use, but it is important to be careful about which ones you choose.

– If the platform is undetected, it may be a security issue and you may not be able to use it.
Application security is one of the most important aspects of software development, one that should be consideration when developing any social media platform. Security is essential for two reasons – first, because an application's data and fingers are constantly on the readers; second, because the application is the source of the data that is used to generate the performance of the application.

– Can you make money through simply making content and post it in the platform?
– If the platform has features that make it an alternative to making money through simply posting, it may be a feature list that can help you grow your platform.

2. Set up your content with the platform.

There are many different ways to set up your content on platform. Some simple steps include:

1.Choose a topic or topic genre
There are many different topic genres which can be used for a content posting about, depending on the particular genre which you are targeting. This is a great topic for a content post about something specific such as health or technology.

2.Choose the tone of your content
There are a lot of ways to create content that will fit a variety of tone. When you know the difference, it can be so fun to create content in a way that works for all types of interests.

There are three different types of content you will want to choose when creating content for a blog:

  1. Content that is educational
  2. Content that is informative
  3. Content that is educational

Content that is educational always have a point to make about the world and what it has to offer the public. Content that is informative always have a point to make about the information and the way it can be used to help you understand your business.

When creating content for a blog, be sure to consider the different types of interests someone will have as well as the time of day they will be working. Some people will have a daily routine, while others may have a blog every day.

3.Choose the platform or service to place your content

When writing for a content marketplace like Google or Facebook, you need to understand the different platforms or services that you'll need to produce your content.

The platform that you use to produce your content can be controlled by you or by a third party. These platforms can also be used to produce content for search engine optimization (SEO) or binary data (files large enough to be executed in a web application).

4.Set up your content examples

There are many ways to set up content examples. One way is to create an article Draper's case study. Once you have created the case study, find an article or video on the internet about the same topic and save it in your Google Drive. Then, in your email content, send a message to your audience about this case study. You can also send a message to your audience in a social media platform.

To create a content example, you can use the following process:
1.Find a case study that you want to create
2.Find a location or video on the internet that you want to share with your audience
3.Find a message you want to send to your audience
If you are creating a content example for a new product, you can find the case study on the product's website. If you are creating a content example for a new campaign, you can find the case study on your social media platform.
5.Save your content
Save your content to a digital platform Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Tiktok to speed up and manage your content. By saving your content, you can easily remember where your content comes from, what you’ve done, and where you want to focus your next steps. Those mentions above are hard for start-ups so again I highly recommended Gfam.live where we can pull product and brands to support this platform.
6.Add caption examples
Simply add caption that best describe your content. In Gfam.live by simply posting your selfie pictures and share the story behind it thru captions or titles we are already set and done.

  1. Start monetizing your content.
    There are a number of ways to monetize content:

1.Use content as a way to earns money - content is a great way to make money because you can produce it and sell it, but it is also possible to make money through audience engagement. You can use content to generate leads or customers without having to pay-out anyone.

2.Use content to generate leads and customers - if you produce content, it can be a way to generate more leads and customers. You can use it to answer questions and provide insights for products or services.

3.Use content for marketing or paid search - if you produce content, it can be a way to reach more people for money. You can use it to create titles, articles, and videos that can be sold through your account.

4.Use content for marketing or paid search - content can also be used for marketing or paid search.

  1. Evaluate your content performance.
    The best way to measure your content performance is to track all the articles you’ve submitted and track the number of articles that were successful compared to the number of articles that were unsuccessful.

Next, assess all the attempts you’ve made to lead with your content in an attempt to engage you should also assess what you can improve on in order to get your content more often.

In conclusion, evaluation your content performance is an effective way to track the success or failure of your content projects. By tracking and monitoring your content performance, you can make better decisions about where and how your content will be used next.

5. Adjust your monetization strategy as needed.

-Find a new way to make money
-Find a new way to generate value
-Find a new way to improve value
If you find that you cannot anymore produce value from your content, then you will need to find a new way to make better content. This means finding a new way to generate value for your audience.


This is excellent and so helpful @xfmedia! Thanks for putting this together! Definitely everyone should look into https://gfam.live/ to see if it would be suitable for them.

Thanks adam especially for the token, content creator that haven't tried gFam.live should try now.