GhaitofPizza | Where Researchers Go to Avoid Douchebag Censorship

in #ghaitofpizza7 years ago (edited)

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They are like the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Funny enough, the basis for the word apocalypse is rather reassuring, especially in the context of social media's role in shaping people's reality.

1125-75; Middle English < Late Latin apocalypsis < Greek apokálypsis revelation, equivalent to apokalýp(tein) to uncover, reveal ( apo- apo- + kalýptein to cover, conceal) + -sis -sis

So, with that in mind, I ponied up some Steem to create this: a message board that CANNOT be taken down as it's based in the blockchain. However, as a failsafe, I am also working on a backup using ZeroNet (another blockchain based system) so that information can be preserved without fear of purging, shadow banning, or straight up douchebaggery by those with agendas we're not supposed to question.

Want to join in? Awesome. Like anything worth doing, there's some guidelines. First off, you'll need a Steemit account. It's free. This platform is based off the Steem blockchain, which means that there is no single server housing this information-- it's spread out between several people, thus more protected than forums such as Voat, which has been subject to various attacks, especially when there's a big break. The big bonus besides thwarting censorship, you'll be earning Steem (a cryptocurrency) for participating. So, I guess getting paid for researching is a perk, right?

*thank you Tumbler.


with potential to change as needed

  • Topics must relate to Pizzagate, Pedogate, Pedowood, QAnon, or have historical relevance (such as Franklin Cover Up, Presidio Day Care scandal, White House Call Boy Scandal, etc)
  • Topics must cite sources; please archive and identify what is at the link when you post (through or Zotero, which automatically takes screenshots of sites) and post the archive address first (that way we don't give the actual sites a boost with traffic which can serve as a red flag to those studying the site's traffic; let's fly under the radar.)
  • Leave the bipartisan angle at the door. Stopping child abuse is a non-partisan effort. Both sides have their shady asshats and good guys. The moment it becomes an Republican vs Democrat/Conservative vs Liberal discussion, is the moment it gets derailed. If one wants an explanation as to why it seems there's more Dems associated with Pizzagate, it's because of the last administration-- but that doesn't negate those who participate from the other side of the aisle. As George Carlin once famously said, "It's a club and we're not in it." Those who participate in human trafficking, rape, child pornography... they are in it.
  • Do not interact with those you are researching. The subject of your investigation may consider it harassment, and such, take action against you/researchers in general. Stay safe, stay sane, and don't poke bears in the eyes with sticks.
  • DO NOT POST LINKS TO PORN, CHILD OR OTHERWISE. You will get the VIking of Disapproval's glare in your general direction, plus reported to law enforcement (whether they do anything about it is another matter, but the rule of law WILL be upheld.)
  • This forum requires a wait of five minutes between posts. There's nothing I can do to change that, so be aware that curbing one's enthusiasm is a very real possibility.
  • Bigotry will be shitcanned. That sort of crap delegitimize the investigation, because outsiders can observe and made the conclusion that the investigation only attracts bigots, racists and other fucknut whackadoodles, thus is to be ignored by "polite society" ... which then enables the very thing we want stopped. So, please. If you can't resist slurs against ethic groups, just don't post. Say the word like ten times out loud to get it out of your system, then go on with sharing information. That's the goal here: garner credible information which can be shared with the public.

So, if you agree to those terms, come join me. Bookmark this forum. Get your Steem account, and let's get cracking.


I was going to join but the details were hazy.
5% of what goes to who?
Beta means? my key might be insecure?
Does that mean when I post there I don't get credit? I'm all for the developers getting credit but I don't know who they are.

How do I know they are not taking my material to deep-six it?

Are they researchers? What do they have "in" beside the obvious hard work of the Tech Side?

Also, Why can I just post my stuff on Steemit [or MeWe or "Mind"] for that matter?


5% goes to the developers to keep on developing.
Beta means there's some bugs, but again, developers work to improve the platform.
Your key is safe; it only needs the posting key, not master key.
You get credit.
You can post on steemit and it will appear in the forum if you tag it with ghaitofpizza (anything with that tag will appear in the forum).

Do what's convenient for you; some prefer a forum setting rather than blog post. Either way, the most important aspect is that the information is preserved.