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RE: Pretty, Pretty POPCORN!! :D

in #ghsc6 years ago

Oh my God! If you only knew how much I love that kind of popcorn! I have actually bought that in Gourmet shops years and years ago and it just Delights the heck out of me to throw it in the microwave and watch it go! Of course having little kids really made it even better. They could really get on board with putting an ear of corn in and watching it pop.

I did not know that papa pepper had this kind of corn and I sure will be looking it up because I want some! Do you remember growing up how everybody would use this corn or I guess it was called Indian corn, to decorate their door for Thanksgiving. Or maybe that was just us? LOL thank you for bring us such a wonderful treat today and yes spring and summer are busy and yes it is always good to see you!



Awww thanks so much! ♥
Yes, I remember indian corn well! My grandma would grow it to decorate it and to sell it! I always wanted to eat it and my mom said no, because it doesnt taste great, apparently. It would make good cornmeal at least, though. Now that Im thinking about it, I think I need to try growing some of that next year!

I had to check to make sure he still has it for sale, (since it was months ago), but yep, he does!

Love buying on our homesteaders co-op!

Yes!!! The co-ops are great, but, I didn't realize he had it! Thank you!!!