Winners For Week #31 Of The Homestead Photography Contest + New Theme For Next Week

in #ghsc7 years ago

Hello everyone! This week has finished up and its time to see the results for The Homestead Photography Contest. Also, we will be kicking off another theme for this next week. With the prices of steem continuing to fall, the entire platform has been very, very slow and I am hoping it picks up soon.

Homesteading Photography Contest - Winners.png

Now, on to see what the results were for this week of the contest and see what the new theme will be for this next week. Just as a reminder, the theme was Animals On The Homestead. With this week’s theme, we had only 1 entry and they showcased an animal that they have on their homestead. So, lets get to the winning photo for this week.

here.First place for Week #31 goes to @porters. They will receive 0.1 STEEM for their entry and you can view their original post

Again, thank you to everyone who entered and supported the contest this week. I am extremely grateful for your ongoing support moving forward. For this next week, I think we will keep the theme the same and give it another go around. So the theme for Week #32 will also be Animals On The Homestead. Similar to last week, it can include wild or domesticated animals that are on or around your homestead. I hope you enjoy it!
As with the other contests, 50% of the liquid sbd generated from this post will be given to the winner and 25% will go to the person who places second.

The rules are:

  1. One entry per person
  2. Upvote this post to increase the rewards for the winners (a resteem, while not required, would be greatly appreciated)
  3. Please use #homesteadphotography as one of your tags and leave a link in the comments below to make sure I do not miss your post
  4. You will have until this post pays out to get in your entries
  5. Your entry can either be made into a post or your photo can be left in the comments below

I cannot wait to see your submissions!

Join Us On Discord.


Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

We had rabbits on our homestead! We were going to raise meat rabbits but it did not work as planned.

Sorry, your experience with rabbits did not work out like you planned. Maybe they would be something to try again in the future. Great Job @basicstoliving!

Thank-you for choosing my photos. I'll be checking into my photos for for this coming entry. Loving the theme!

I have an entry for this weeks contest - my post Some Wants to Move in...

Watch this space!!!
IMG_2527.JPGGlad you're extending the Animal Week @knowledge-seeker! I posted about my goats a couple days ago. I think you'll appreciate it. And I have PLENTY of animals to write about. And PLENTY of photos.

Love this picture of you loving your goat!

Goshna 081.JPGThank you @porters. I am trying to take extra photos of Emma as she'll, sadly, be retiring this year. Although she'll be here until she dies of old(er) age. This is one of my favourite photos, my husband and Tago

A-w-w! Love it!