An alleged hoax or 2 doesnt mean they all are. Many, many skeletons have been found of which there have been no answer against. Search Steve Quayle and Tom Horn among others for additional backing info.
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Yea, well anyone bringing in a skeleton of a giant would be a world celebrity, not to mention a very rich man. There is no museum or private collection that I am aware of, that you can go and view giant bones, let alone any of the other artifacts that should have been found, like a giant's sword or something. If there is one supposed giant skeleton, then there would have to have been hundreds of breeding pairs of giants. Why are there no artifacts?
U would think, but sometimes things don't work the way one would think.. Horn, Quayle and friends objectively studied might make one think otherwise.
Yea, sure. No skeletons, no artifacts, no armor, no weapons, no tools, no homes, no utensils, no pottery. No evidence of ANY kind. All there are is hoaxes.
Plus the fact that giant humans are physically impossible. The record holder was nearly 9 feet tall and could barely walk. His legs needed braces and he needed a cane. He only made it to 22 years old. A 12 foot man would be unable to stand up. He would be an invalid if able to sustain life at all. No way a human heart could maintain the blood pressure needed to push blood up from his feet to his head. Impossible. No way a human skeleton could support the weight. Bones would snap.
So, yes, I do think.