1983 Gibson EDS 1275 Psychedelic Art by Robert Pasternack Owned By Bobby Bilan “The Guess Who” Stolen 9yrs Ago

in #gibson9 years ago

here's a feel good story of how & when I managed to reunite Bobby Bilan with the Gibson twin neck which was stolen from him in 1999, the guitar actually found me rather than the other way around, I took some time cleaning it up & it went on my website/facebook/Instagram, I said to a member of staff " something up here,lets see what happens", the next thing that happened was fans of the band on a worldwide basis saw the guitar lounging by a swimming pool & began messaging the bands management, everyone knew that it had been stolen years before, the next thing I knew, a few detectives came calling, I shipped the guitar back to bobby & the person that sold me the guitar was the next one to get a visit, Bobby explained that from a complete truck full of gear this was the only instrument to ever surface.

A very well known and often seen Gibson ES 1275 6+12 twin neck, owned and played by Bobby Bilan. The guitar has been seen at many live shows, TV work & recording. The artwork is by the artist Robert Pasternak.
The guitar was in quite a state when it arrived to us. Three broken tuners from the 6 string neck and the fingerboard and frets need a good cleaning and polish. Here are a few “before” snaps in good sunlight to bring the artwork to life. We’ll soon be posting some new images as the guitar comes fresh out of the shop with: repaired tuners, fresh restring, all switches and pots cleaned and lubricated, fingerboard and frets cleaned and polished, the body buffed to as good a finish as can be achieved without messing with any originality.
Very cool piece of Rock N Roll history.
Announcement – 04/21/14
After being contacted by detectives acting for Bobby Bilan, we have been made aware that this guitar was stolen from Bobby along with the rest of the contents of the tour truck. The theft occurred in Charlotte over 9 years ago. We spoke with Bobby today and he is delighted to learn that we will be shipping the guitar and its original road case back to him tomorrow. He will be reunited with his cherished guitar this Thursday, a very good result!http://maverick-music.com/gibson-guitars/1983-gibson-eds-1275-psychedelic-art-robert-pasternack-owned-bobby-bilan-guess