Every journey starts with a bumpy road;
As days passed on, My days went normally . Father used to turn on TV and the sound of TV got dimmer and dimmer until i reached about 5years old. I always though it was an issue with the TV.It was weird that the sound started decreasing to the extent that I had to place my ear close enough to touch the speaker to hear the Bollywood songs Father used to listen before heading off to work. He used to scold me i might damage my eardrums and i used to tell him Father , "TV sound is so low , fix it please". It didnot take to long for my father to release I was born with hearing defeciency . He took me to a ENT checkup , the doctor tuned in some heavy headphones made of hard rubber and played around different sounds which i had to signal the sounds that i was able to hear via the headphone, later the doctor rounded them up in a graph . He put a weird instrustment around my nect , looked like those earphones that people used to listen music from. Then he turned the machine on..
The sound was surreal; Smile stretched like river Nile
It was an AMAZING sensation , as I started hearing words, that echos from the room , i would hear the loudest tone and of my Father " Do you hear me?" . Boy, it was sooo amazing after being able to hear with the hearing aid. Now i didnot have to stick too close to the TV and dance to Bollywood songs . Dogs barking outside, Freinds gossiping in classroom, sound of the cheerping sparrows and swallowtails . It was magnificient transformation all by that little hearng aid.
But the biggest gift i received from my hearing defeciency,
The ability to read fast. i am SERIOUS , i mean AT 6-7 YEARS OLD, my freinds could barely read a sentence without having trouble pronouncing the words. But i was pretty fast and the reason might shock you , The HERO "MY HEARING DEFICIENCY", although i had an hearing aid, it was not really clear when words were spoken fast. Like 2x the speed of a radio news. So I had only one option , to watch English Movie channels which had English subtitles. I used to grab a dictionary , list the words i couldnot understand and then started extracting the meaning. Day by day , i started understanding what was said in the movie , the grammars even I didnot know but I automatically could tell between an incorrect english sentence and a correct one. all thanks to the inventor of subtitles and my disability, i got the gift of endurance , secondary language and creativity . I started doing well in my school , and here is one of the intraschool fastest newspaper reading certificate i won when i was just 5th grade defying all adult competitors as well. I lost my cetificate sowhere but i found the photo. You can see the hearing aid also. Its a pretty old photo though sorry for quality.

Nice post bro
thank you
Writing dami xa .... Follow gara
done bro
Really nice article , Your article remember my childhood.
I am happy, it brought back your childhood.
Thanks for sharing your journey 🙏
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