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RE: The Reason You Don't Understand Steemit: It's Like A Gift Economy Not A Commodity Economy

in #gifteconomy8 years ago

Yes, really fantastic interpretation. I was totally inspired to follow papa's lead and donate to someone whom I don't know or follow on Steemit because I've had great interactions with papa and trust his big heart. I just mentioned papa in a post i did last night about PermaCryptoCulture, thinking a bit about the broader implications about what we are creating here and how it ties into land-use strategies. It's really amazing, how this is going to impact so many facets of our lives. And it's great to have folks like you and papa as ambassadors. It seems you guys have been profoundly impacted in a positive way through this community and are now spreading the love. It sounds like I need to read Dan's blog. Thanks @stellabelle, you rock!

Also, are these your words? "I have researched the magic shapes of the happiness no one escapes." Lovely