Great idea with the giving money thing, but just so you know, i lived "on the streets" for nearly 10 years now by choice, and I used to make my money by playing music with a guitar and singing, but stopped because I ended up getting no money for it (in germany its good actually), but anyway, I just wanted to say that the woman there, is part of a family who are most likly much richer than you are, and are here to get money from people who think that they are homeless and in trouble.
I do it myself since I realised that I get 5X money if i just sit with my dogs with a cup infront of me, because thats just how deep the manipulation and conditing goes. that woman wont be sitting there all night, and i bet she dont smell like she hadnt washed in a couple of weeks, because she is living with her family in a rented appartment with others who are begging (and whatever else)
Dont get me wrong, I am not a racist, and I have no problem with people from anywhere in the world sitting with a cup, but, what is annoying is that people say they dont give to musicians, and then give to someone who dont even need it hahahahah
Just another reason why I happily sit on the street and laugh in my head!
Im pritty high right now and tired but I love your intentions to get helping people, and the clean planet project is just ingenious!