Giftomon 😻😺😸 Another Breed Game for Crypto fueled by Gifto(GTO)

in #gifto7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit friends,

i missed the CryptoKitties MEOW!! and i missed the Cryptodogs WUFF!!.. but today i was so crazy to buy some Giftomons! Each one cost me about 5 bucks! or to speak in the future of currencies 0.0073 and 0.0080 Ether. After battling in the daily challenges i finally tried to create a new breed out of my two characters.

Why i did that?

Usually i don't play any of such games but i follow Gifto since inception and searched for a video of a Consensus 2018 presentation of that project.. and was surprised by this new development in the social feed and was curious to see what's behind and if the app has some value for players. First you have to registrate with a uniqe username and a email adress and then you'll see a start screen.

Pressing PLAY shows you the main screen:

When you start you need at least one of these cute Giftomons.

The Market

Currently there are 6 pages full of Giftomons at on the marketplace.

First i went crazy as i saw the price for one of these virtual puppydogs.. 100 Ether.. seriously?! "Doctor please! 😂 Even 10 Ether is for crazy dudes!

I decided to look for something cheaper for the start.. and found my first Giftomon for about 5 bucks. Now you can ask if i'm crazy to buy some clipart for $5. Yes i am! 😂

btw you have use Metamask with at least $10 worth of ETH and you have to wait until your transaction is confirmed by the Ethereum network after purchasing something. For me it was a few minutes. The second time it was much longer about 15 minutes i think. Obviously it's the same drawback like with CryptoKitties. If you are unpatient player it is a pain to wait for such a long time. Usuallys IAPs (in app purchases) are instant and it should also be in the future for Ethereum to get more players.

After that i recognized i bought a common Giftomon because there are five classes of them:

Odd enough the 100 Ether Giftomon was just.. rare!.. not legendary!

The Arena

Each day you can battle against other Giftomons in the Arena but just 10 times a day!

The fights are fully automatic and your victory depends on your characters properties as you can see below and a bit luck. Sometimes your opponent miss a beat and you have a small chance to win against a stronger contender.

The green numbers are additional points from expericence points gained within challenges i think. The more challenges you master the better your Giftomon. Even if you loose a challenge you get a third of XP. For a win you'll get 15 XP against a LV1 opponent. I don't know if you get more for stronger opponents.

New Breed

Finally i tried the mystical Breed button. Before i bought another Giftomon because you need at least two of them. But this time i learned my lesson and looked for the color of the plate where the Giftomon is standing on and found a Advanced (green) Giftomon.

My hope was now if i fuse the two i get maybe a Rare (blue) one which is much stronger than the two together. Breeding costs also Ether.. i think about $2 in value. The congested Ethereum network let me wait again for my new breed but after about 15 minutes i think it was confirmed and i found my new character in the units section

Surprisingly.. it was again just a Common Giftomon.. i was a bit disappointed. But the good thing my other two Giftomons remained in the units section for battling and you can see above you can setup a party up to 3 Giftomons to increase the chances of winning a fight. Finally i looked at the properties of my new breed:

Two special abilities which were inherited by her parents.. interesting.. which could theoretically lead to ever new breeds with a big list of special abilities.


I must admit it was fun. I didn't get the Activity section with all the presents because when tried to purchase one my Metamask balance was simply to low or in other words these mystical presents were simply too expensive for me.

The curiosity is always there because you wanna know if you can beat the next opponent and what is the result of a breed of two of your Giftomons. You can also rent Giftomons for a smaller amount of Ether but i didn't tried. I'm also curious about if i can rent my Giftomons to other players and earn GTO currency. I noticed a coin count in the upper right section of the GUI

But that is not the ERC20 GTO token it is called Mcoin which will be transferable in the future.. maybe. My expectation was to get some GTO. But the present icon right beside Mcoin shows the GTO balance and i'm curious how to get more tokens. You can also sell your Giftomon on the market and define a starting and a end price (ETH) within the defined sell period.

The GUI is simple to use, graphics are cute, simple gameplay mechanics with this addictive factor of leveling up your characters and buy and create new breeds and battling in the area. From point of view it could become a successful game for some time but a real downer are these fees. Even the cheapest characters cost about $3 and there is no free play as usual. You have to provide some funding with a Metamask wallet and i think currently that is the greatest wall for true mass adoption.

Ok, that was my first day in the Giftomon world and i'm curious now what will happen tomorrow.. can i win some GTO tokens as the social feed promises? or how can the Mcoin be used? Maybe i show my creations to my kids but must watch their play time then 🕚😦👆

Giftomon is another great example what the internet of money is capable or how simple it is (if you know Metamask, have the funds) to join a blockchain based and decentralized ecosystem. More details about the development of Gifto you can read in the official announcement.

What do you think of Giftomon?

👍 If you like the read please follow me, vote me up and resteem! 👍 Thank you !👍

Exciting times ahead steemit friends!

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resteemlovely game @onetin84

that's crazy man. it is 100 ETH for these puppys. i am definitly trying this.thank for this information man.

i'm also curious for what price my own puppies can be sold after leveling up! 😁

i missed the CryptoKitties MEOW!! and i missed the Cryptodogs WUFF!!.. but today i was so crazy to buy some Giftomons! Each one cost me about 5 bucks! or to speak in the future of currencies 0.0073 and 0.0080 Ether. After battling in the daily challenges i finally tried to create a new breed out of my two characters.

Looks like you really enjoy cryptocurrency based games. Have fun!. Beat them :)

i always love the decentralized manner of such dapps where the community is the driving factor, not just a super rich CEO who get all the rewards for releasing a advertising platform and milking his devoted users.

introduction post or the other great posts I already resteemed.Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck! Check @resteembot's

I read your interesting blog post @onetin84. I feel like you're really like to play crypto indeed games. This game better for earn something lol...

I'm new to your blog. Really this game is awesome. I like your post. Thank you for sharing with us

So it's you giftomon guys clogging the eth network... again ;)
i was wondering about the high fees lately. nevertheless cute concept and interesting that you can let your mons battle each other.

Wow this could be the another great hit in the crypto just like the cryptokitties :D