Life Is About Giving, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #gifts7 years ago


A lot has been said and known about life. In this series, I want to speak about what life is all about. It is a broad topic and I will try to cover some aspects and you are free to share what you feel life is all about too.

I always say we are learning together, so your thoughts matter as you can’t say who might learn from that which you feel is not necessary.

In life, it is expected of us not to live for ourselves. Life wasn’t meant for us to live for ourselves and that is why we are told to “give” love. Life is about giving. Imagine a water container or reservoir that is just storing water without dispatching it or channeling it through pipes to a different aspect of the house, over time it becomes obsolete, useless and it begins to rust. The continuous flow of the water through the pipes keep it from rusting and makes the water source trusted enough to be consumed. We are meant to be a channel. No man can live in isolation and give help to make life bearable for others.

Life could be hard sometimes, and each person you meet fights a battle you know nothing about. Many people don’t like giving because they see that most people have been conditioned to receiving only, and our exposure matters too.


Giving isn’t only limited to money or material things. You can give your time, you can give your word, you can give advice, you can give a smile, you can give a hug, you can give an idea, you can give your honest view, you can give a lift, you can give anything that comes to your mind, no matter how little it is. It all depends on the need of the hour.

If it is within your ability, do it, don’t shy away from giving as you don’t know whose life would be blessed by it. You never know whose life depends on it, regardless of how irrelevant you feel it is.

When you give, both parties are blessed. The face or countenance of the receiver brightens while the giver feels a sense of fulfillment or satisfaction for having done something that means a lot to another. Every little thing matters, as well as the big stuff​. No man is poor enough not to have anything to give. We all have something to give, but our desire to receive something big or huge make us lose focus on them.


Recognize a need around you and meet it.

We need to be giving oriented. The more we give, the more we receive, and that is just the reality. If we think the more we hold, the more we have, we would soon understand that, the things we hold off on giving end up not being enough for us or it becomes irrelevant. be continued...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


This quote says it all
"If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.”– Chinese Proverb
Happiness makes for a better person, which helps make a better family, which makes a better community, which makes for a better world. The cyclical nature of spreading joy makes it all the more important to give back any way you can. If you’re happy helping others in need to become happier themselves, there’s no end to the impact you can have. Giving back is truly a way for people to have a global impact when it comes to making the world a better place. It’s easier than ever to make a difference, and the old adage that every little bit counts is always true, so find a way to be charitable and give back to those who need it most.

Yesssss! Give back to those who need it the most and indeed, every little bit helps. Those who shine light on the way for others cannot keep it away from themselves. When we give, we spread happiness which is hard to put into words and it spreads. No matter how little, out of all we have been given, we can always give. We all have something to give even though what we give might differ.

Thanks as always brother.

Giving is a mutual act for without giving there is also no fairness in taking. But even more importantly giving is also act inspired by 'chain reaction'. Sometimes it is easy to forget all that we have been given and that can become one of the reasons for not sharing that love by giving on forward.

To give to others is not just generosity but something even better. It is the very act of life. For life is given to us and thus it inspires us to do better by using it give to others. It is one of the acts for which there is not parameter to measure the goodness in it. Only hearts understand the act of giving and only hearts can appreciate the act of receiving.

Giving is an art, so is receiving and as you have rightly said, only hearts could understand the act of giving and also appreciate the act of receiving.

This is really nice. Thanks a lot for that.

Got inspired once more from here....... Again giving is making a life worthwhile and makes the life, the generality a better place to live. But is so hard today to give sacrificially as we all give out what we can only afford and not that thing, that type of giving that will definitely cost us a lot...... I guess giving again needs to take on a sacrificial face in all ramifications.

Thanks for the post as this is also part of giving.... Here you've given out your time and space to come with something helpful as this.

Thanks a lot for your kind words always. Yes, most times we give out of our comfort and as long as it still cost us something, it also counts and the heart by which we give matters a lot too.

Thanks a lot brother.

most welcome fam it a pleasure knowing your blog.

Really glad to hear that.

The most beautiful thing we can give a person is our time, our attention. And even more if everything is disinterested, we could remember that phrase "the good deed of the day". I enjoy helping many people constantly on the street, some favor, some direction, or whatever nonsense they need, then the satisfaction that I have left is incredible. The best part of that is that you will have your own benefits, maybe in the future you will be in the same situation and another person will give you your time or your attention.

Life is about connecting with other people, socializing with our peers and thus we will be much happier, I am sure. We will become better people. Not always in our life will focus on "what we will receive in return."

Brilliant. Yes, those random acts of kindness helps a lot as we don't know when we might need it too. I have been at the receiving ends of this, because what we make happen for others, others will also make happen for us.

Thanks a lot for this.

This is the basics of life in general. The habit of giving can't just be left out. It is so true givers never lack and developing a giving habit is like developing a living habit. We were given the air we breath, the body we live, the name we bear, and many basics things. Giving is so much connected with the essentials of life that it is veracious to say

If you are not giving, you are living

Thanks for your amazing life post @olawalium. God bless

Absolutely, "developing a giving habit is like developing a living habit", so if we are not giving, we are not living. That is brilliant. Well done brother. Giving is really a core part of our existence and we should do well to do the same.

Thanks a lot for that.

It's a pleasure, always 😊

Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being Giving.
We all know how great it feels to receive gifts. However, the joy of getting is short-lived. Our lives are richer when we share, and that great inner joy comes from helping others to better their lives.

Truly giving from the heart fills your life with joy and nourishes your soul. Giving provides an intrinsic reward that’s far more valuable than the gift. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “To find yourself, lose yourself in the service of others.”

Giving takes you out of yourself and allows you to expand beyond earthly limitations. True joy lies in the act of giving without an expectation of receiving something in When people are asked why they give, the readiest answers include: God wants me to; I feel better about myself; others need, and I have; I want to share; it’s only right. The question I would ask is how did you feel? I imagine you felt very pleased with yourself and happy inside.

Yes, the joy you feel deep inside with this act is just indescribable. It is hard to put into words and this happens when it is done with better understanding and the right motives.

I love this:

“To find yourself, lose yourself in the service of others.”

Perfect!. Thanks a lot, i really appreciate you.

Thank you @olawalium for this beautiful post once more.

Indeed, life is about giving, many of the problems people are suffering from is as a result of careless life people are adopting, nobody want to releases his or her shoulder to lean on again.

Our wrong perspective about giving makes it impossible for us to give at times, we believe we don't have enough and that's why we are not giving. That little you are having matter, it can put smiles to someone's face, just go ahead and release it.

Don't close your eyes to the needs of others, doing it won't take away from you, it is adding to you if you can look at things critically.

We need to stretch. We need to create capacity for more. When we think we don't have more to give then we usually won't have any to give because whatever we are calling is coming. Most people wait to give when they have abundance or wait to give all that was requested for, not knowing every little bit helps. A tiny drop makes a mighty ocean.

Thanks as always for this. Always brilliant.

Once again glad to read tour contribution here; tho havent been here a while, i really enjoyed this post. It reminds me of a discussion i had with a few peeps. However, Intercession is something we can also give; a rare gift we like but dont know how to give. Ironically when we interceed for people it is a faster avenue to our been blessed.
Everything and anything can be given.
Thanks for sharing

Still Elisedaniels...Love for the Gospel.

Yes, there is no limit to what we can give and that was why i mentioned we can look away from the material and physical things. Interceeding for others is a divine call and should be non negotiable.

Thanks a lot for that. Always appreciated.

they things make more happiness on face because everyone want someone loving and carrying them?? i m right

I don't understand this please. Can you make it more clearer? Thanks a lot.

I don't understand
This please. Can you make it more
Clearer? Thanks a lot.

                 - olawalium

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