The unicorn was the last thing I needed and, once found, my quest was over. About time I thought. It wasn't quite the quest for the holy grail, but it was a unicorn, they're not so easy to find and I had to quest hard to do so; who doesn't like a quest though right?
Over the last week of questing I've collected almost six kilograms of things for my niece @smallsteps in Finland and almost four kilograms for my nephew who lives here in Australia, only 3500 kilometres away. They both have birthdays in August, five and three respectively, and as the best uncle ever I'd not let their birthdays go past without gifts.
It probably doesn't sound a lot by weight however the Finland package had to go over two big boxes and my nephews' box was huge too, one by one metres square! I sent clothing, toys, books, craft stuff for them to do and some little-tacker-specific things for each: A princess costume and a talking unicorn for my niece and little army men figures, tools, tool box and tool-belt for my nephew. It's all very cute and I'm looking forward to seeing the unboxing videos and some fashion shows that will ensue.
I don't know how much money I spent on the gifts, a lot though; I know, love isn't about things, however I can't be with either of these two little kids and it makes me feel better knowing they'll have some paper to rip open from uncle G-dog, widely known as the best uncle that ever walked the earth. It's true. I have a feeling both would rather I posted myself though.
Australia Post and Posti in Finland will carry the packages and when at the post office today I saw some disparity.
The Finland postage
The two boxes to Finland cost me $72 and $77 respectively so $149 in total for a combined weight of just under six kilograms. Finland is a long way from Australia, some 37 bazillion kilometres in fact, so I didn't think this was too bad from a price perspective. I was told it would take about two weeks which is the same as it always takes and off the packages went. I suspect it may be longer than two weeks though.
The Australian postage
The box to far north Queensland surprised me though. The postage cost me $108 and the chap told me it could take a long time; in fact, he said it's likely the Finland packages would get to Finland prior to the other getting to it's destination here in Australia. Erm...How does that work?
There was no explanation other than, Covid 19. I wasn't surprised. With less flights crossing the country and globe freight may take a little longer to get to its destination but the disparity in time and cost didn't make a lot of sense though.
I'm not at all worried about the cost of postage in truth; $257AUD is a small price to pay for the enjoyment those kids will get from the stuff I sent and I had a good time finding the things in the first place - I'm really looking forward to those packages arriving in the next few weeks or so and to seeing the photos and video that my brother @tarazkp and the other one will do for me. I'm smiling now just at the thought.
How about you? What are your postage experiences? Have you ever had to post internationally and baulked at the price, had something not arrive in good condition or at all? With so much online shopping these days I'd imagine the postal services around the world have had to change how they do business...Have you had any experiences and if so feel free to share them below.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
Image is mine.
Oh sweet uncle! I bet the little ones will trulu enjoy the gifts.
I used to also send over boxes to Philippines but through sea cargo and the box is not charged by the weight, but by dimensions. It used to take one month to reach, I am not sure about it now during these crazy times. I would usually make a list and put it inside for my mom to double check if in case anything had been fished out of the box (it really happens a lot) thankfully I didn't have any bad experiences. Recently, I stopped sending boxes and only maximize our baggage allowance whenever we go home (we are 5).
Best in the world. I said so. Lol.
I've been sending packages overseas to @smallsteps since she was born and of course have sent things before but have never had something removed from a package. That's not very good to hear. I imagine one of the postal workers walking around in nieces princess dress...
Thanks for commenting.
Hello, Uncle. 😁
Someone has to say it. :)
I keep hearing about all these unicorns of late. Why were there never any around when I wanted one?
I once tracked something I ordered from NSW and it went down to Melbourne; no surprises there, but when it still hadn't arrived some days later I went back on to check. It had apparently gone from there over to Tasmania, so I had to wait for it to get back to the mainland before it could then come over to SA.
I got the noisiest unicorn I could find...@tarazkp is going to love it! Lol.
Hmm, seems like typical Australia Post shenanigans! I'm joking of course, they do a reasonable job. Mostly. I've seen things do similar routes to get to where I've sent them or from others to me. Defies logic.
Mwahahahaha! I loathed noisy toys when my girls were little. I thought those buying them for my girls were just being evil to me. 🤣
Haha, yep things are going to get lively up there. 😉
Galen, you are a very caring uncle! 😍
Thank God for that!
The children will be happy!
Gifts always bring joy.
I can’t wait to comfort him and support him! But where are the gifts for @tarazkp? ☺️
I had some tasty snacks to put in the box for him...But I got hungry and ate them instead. 😏
That's awesome that you have done that although at the same time the price difference between Finland and North Queensland is damn funny. I do get marked at the COVID thing being used as an excuse for all manner of not doing things properly
It's a convenient excuse right? Companies using it as an excuse for anything. I called my house insurer a month or so ago...Recorded message:
Due to a high volume of calls during the covid-19 pandemic wait times may be extended.
What? Houses get covid-19 now? More like it's a good excuse bro cover off on their tardy service and lack of enough staff because they're cutting costs to drive profits. Assholes.
The postage cost difference was weird to me, and he said it will take longer? Very strange.
YEah, I have had that with numerous places I have called. Blaming COVID for high call times and I am like, oh feck off. Most folks are working from home. Its no different really. Just gives them a handy get out.
Yeah...It's kind of dumb although we're on day two of a 7 day full lockdown now and I have to say I'm pretty happy with the break. ;)
I heard today 13 million Australians are now in stay at home lockdown. Half the population. Lol...Good for the economy huh?
It is good for a short break but yeah, if it is extended then the economy tanks.
Although interestingly the lockdowns here had quite a good effect on local businesses, cafes and restaurants and all sorts had to come up with novel ways of staying open. It is quite good now there is so much more that can be delivered or stuff outdoors
Sydney is struggling through an extended LD, here it's only until Tuesday but I have a feeling it will extend.
You're right though, it's been interesting to see how some businesses adapt. I don't always like the changes but change us inevitable. Still, many others have listed up. Survival of the fittest I guess.
It's interesting how Singapore are handling it now, like the common flu, and things seem to be stable. No closures, losses etc. Interesting.
That is interesting. I am kinda hoping now that I am double jagged that it might get the same way here. Our cases are up hugely but the death and hospitalisation rate are not. That is a positive thing. I hope you ain't at the start of it all
I think the only international shipping I have done was to Canada and it is right next door. I don't remember how much postage was.
I have been surprised, though, at how much it can cost across the country. It certainly gets pricy the larger the package, which is not surprising.
I tried to post myself to Canada once; I thought it would be a cheap holiday...Didn't work out so well.
They'll love getting the gigantic boxes from Uncle Galen XD
Damn 1x1sqm that's bigger than the child right XD
Yep...He'll probably like the box just as much as the stuff in it. 😉
It seems that "Covid" is the excuse for any bad service or overpricing these days.
"Why'd you kick me in the nuts?"
I am sure Smallsteps is going to love getting the boxes and the gifts. Right at this moment she is wearing clothes from the last arrival :)
Covid...I wonder if it will be the excuse for what is likely to be a terribly bad opening ceremony for the Olympics tonight. It's always bad so maybe covid will just makes it doubly bad!
Lol ⬆️ I've been doing a lot of it and indeed, that's the best excuse for nut-kicking people who deserve it.
She's got some cool stuff on the way. There's a little denim overalls-skirt thing...She's going to be cute in that...So much stuff in there. She'll love it all I hope. And of course I didn't forget about you as I put in that noisy fucking unicorn for smallsteps...You're going to love it so much! Lol.