Yesterday evening I finally was able to get a taste from this nice gin, which I purchased using @steembay several days ago, to support the D-A-CH community (drinking to support a community... GREAT IDEA).
I say "finally", but this was not at all the fault of @spirits4you but totally mine. They send me the tracking number about a day after I send the money (on Saturday) and on monday morning I already recieved the nitely wrapped packet with its precious content.
I just had no time...
AND I had and still don't have tonic water to really fathom the complex tastes of this extraordinary Gin.
I tasted it yesterday evening "pure". No tonic, no icecubes, no cucumber ... still an event.
It took me quite some time to find out one special taste coming from the earl grey note: bergamot.
NICE! THX! Will probably buy again and more!
Deutsche Version:
Gestern Abend konnte ich endlich diesen herrlichen Gin probieren, den ich neulich über @steembay ersteigern konnte, um die D-A-CH Kommunity zu unterstützen (Saufen für die DACH-Gesellschaft... großartige Idee. ) Ich schreibe "endlich" aber das war definitiv nicht die Schuld von @spirits4you, sondern komplett die Meinige. Mir wurde kurz nach der Überweisung der SBD bereits die Nachverfolgungsnummer zugeschickt (am Samstag) und bereits Montag früh erhielt ich ein gewissenhaft verpacktes Päckchen mit dem kostbaren Nass darin.
ich hatte einfach keine Zeit...
UND ich hatte und habe immer noch kein Tonic Water, um wirklich in die komplexen Geschmäcker dieses aussergewöhnlichen Gin einzutauchen. Ich habe also PUR getestet. Kein Tonic, keine Eiswürfel, keine Gurke... trotzdem ein Erlebnis.
Ich brauchte einige Zeit um eine spezielle Geschmacksnote herauszufinden, der vom Earl Grey Tee kommt: Bergamotte.
SUPER! Danke! Ich werde wohl wieder und mehr bei euch bestellen!
vielen Dank für die lieben Worte.... toll, dass Dir der Tea-Dry mundet.
Lieben Gruß
woOOO! On valentine i had tasted it, and made me conscious,
I was feeling like amazing but it was really interesting to have.
Hey! @pollux.on you just remind me the day When I had drunk it for forgetting the pain of my X.girlfriend because on that it was the marriage of her which was really painful and like the day in the hell.

I was so much depressed on that day, unable to do anything because I loved her so much but due to poverty, I just lost her but still I love her and she remains in my heart.
You @pollux.on took me again in those days when she was mine, and these things
were my companion of forgetting the pain.
A man need a good reward hehehe, in my country colombia the most common spirit licuor is calling "aguardiente" and it's made with a plant calling anis, the taste is great but the hangover is awful. Regards
Today you blogged two times Thanks for your great ideas.I will love to drink it once in my life. How is the taste of it? What amazing business is being run by @steembay? When I will have few SBDs available in my wallet I will make a purchase from @steembay.
Cheers to that that looks awesome :D
Es war eine Versteigerung! Habe meine eigene Frage beantwortet ;) Prost!
man require a decent reward hehehe, in my nation colombia the most widely recognized soul licuor is calling "aguardiente" and it's made with a plant calling anis, the taste is awesome yet the headache is horrendous. Respects
why you copy the comment of another? :thinking:
Ich wollte steembay schon vor einiger zeit abchecken, habs aber leider komplett aus den augen verloten. Danke für die Erinnerung ;)
Never taste that Gin. I love Gin whit some tonic water. Is the Gin Gentle smooth?
well good to know that the drinking to support a comunity a great idea, but i couldnot understand it some
hope you enjoyed this gin how it a great idea and how it support a comunity maybe i ahve some confusion on it
Recently there was this bandwidth problem and in the german community we tried to find a solution for it. So we put up a fund to delegate Steempower to those who have issues. @spirits4you sold one of his Gins and added in the rewards from the post + the auction into that fund.
it looks a great day for you, have a nice day dear....
Hab grad bei steembay und spirits4you geguckt aber keine Anzeichen vom Eulengin. Weißt du, wo und wie man den, wenn überhaupt noch, kriegt?
@spirits4you verkauft den glaub ich auch über einen online Shop, aber auch regelmäßig über @steembay . Ansonsten kann man den glaub ich auch direkt bei GentleGin beziehen. Die findet man über die gängigen Suchmaschinen. (Den rosafarbigen hol ich mir definitiv wenn der mal wieder in Auktion ist)
Super, danke für die Info!
Heute gibt´s mal Pink - Gin für euch.... die anderen Beiden folgen die Tage... VIel Spaß bei der Auktion :)
Danke! Das Pink ist umwerfend, ich wüsste nur zu gern, was da alles drin ist ;)
... kann ich Dir gern sagen.. Lavendel, Hibiskus( daher die Farbe), Rosenblüten, Pinker Pfeffer, Schwarzer Pfeffer und Orangenschale
Das klingt verführerisch!
definitiv, @nacktepoesie ... wirst du keineswegs bereuen :=)
... den Gin in ein Glas geben, dazu ein Minz-Blatt + 1-2 Eiswürfel... kurz umrühren, fertig. Genuss pur ... alternativ das gnaze noch mit etwas von dem Tonic auffüllen( wenn´s nicht ganz so stark sein darf, z.B. auf Arbeit LOL)...
I like to drink this gin spirits really awesome & thanks a lot to share this content with us.
i like the taste of the gin, thats feeling something always new.
Cool, congrats for that you must really love wine.
wow very nice
Wow I like gin.and I some time drinks thanks for shareing to your filling.upvoted
Gentle gin is definitely a new-world gin, very modern-style and a saffron infusion gives Gentle Gin its distinct character. Gentle gin is distilled from finely brewed, small batch hand crafted alcohol, from local German grain. Double distillation in a traditional hand hammered copper still by master distiller and horticultural expert Marcus O’Shea, gives Gentle Gin its characteristic flavour palate.
yes... found that on their page?
Yes.. Thank you so much for your support.
Ich hab Tonic Water und keinen Gin ;( Ich glaub, das muß ich gleich ändern.
kann dir da gern Abhilfe schaffen, @nacktepoesie :)
... bin sowohl im Discord als auch über Steemit.Chat erreichbar, wenn du Bedarf hast
Danke, gut zu wissen :)
Seems pretty great by the way !Looks like @steembay rocks !
Vielleicht der erste Gin, der mit SBD bezahlt wurde?
Das muss etwas besonderes sein hehe :)
Looks like you had an awesome day with that it is looking nice
it was a cool experience and nice thing to buy and enjoy for a reason it was worth it
Great idea it was to support the community and to enjoy too along side best decision ever
from the pics it definitely looks beautiful thanks for sharing it :)
it was gentle in taste and from the looks too :)
the perfect blend of awesomeness in one post :)
how cool it must be to help and enjoying along with it perfect :)
i need to try it out too thanks for sharing your experience on this
the spirit you have got it and you deserve the best :)
Hey man i have a special Gin cocktail for you. It's really refreshing and delicious and easy to prepare.
Mix equal parts of Gin, Banana Liqueur and Freshly squeezed lime juice. Shake in a shaker with some ice and strain into the martini glass. Decorate with a Lime wedge. I call this one - >b>Bangini. Don't know if it exists in such combination so i like to think about that it's my unique recipe :)
Cheers! :)
Glückwunsch zur gewonnenen Auktion! Ja, der Gentle Gin hat was! :)
spirits4you hatte den empfohlen und verkauft... überraschend gut das Tröpfchen (und das sag ich als Whiskey-Liebhaber)