You're a grown ass man asking for upvotes and spamming people. You flag people when you are pissed off that people try to correct your wrong doing. Some adult you are. Make content that is yours for christs sake and stop using other peoples stuff. You are the reason why people hate spammers, and you might as well be a scammer too. Stop downvoting people for no reason, especially if they are trying to give you friendly advice. You're messing with the wrong people.
You're a grown ass man asking for upvotes and spamming people. You flag people when you are pissed off that people try to correct your wrong doing. Some adult you are. Make content that is yours for christs sake and stop using other peoples stuff. You are the reason why people hate spammers, and you might as well be a scammer too. Stop downvoting people for no reason, especially if they are trying to give you friendly advice. You're messing with the wrong people.
Wrong people
Little kid go sleep
whos laughing now?? lol