More Burner Babes! The sandy dusty desert is home to “Burning Man” and a unique batch of babes known for living the life truly off the grid; debauchery in the desert, sand, sand an more sand, where the party never ends. Black Rock City, Nevada no one knows or cares what day of the week it is. A self-organised desert community who trade withone another without using money, without water or electricity as we know it. The perfect place for Steemit crypto bloggers, if you have a wifi dongle... and solar panel! We are very thankful and respectful of their lifestyle in sharing these amazing BurnerGirls images with you.
iLOVEsteemit x
My Steemit, my party.
Step 1. Do what u LOVE. Do what EXCITES you.
Step 2. Share with Steemit to monetize Dream$.
Step 3. Remember BOREDOM is the Enemy... (NOT some abstract "failure")
Photography by @ravegirl
Black Rock Self-Organised City, Nevada.
If you missed the last episode of Burner Girls
Incredible pics/art!
Incredible Inspiration to keep on Steemin! THANKYOU
No, thank you!😄
Edit: ...and the girls in the pics!😀
Pure Legend, you are! :D
I won’t refuse a compliment such as that hehe😆
You've inspired the continuation of @ravegirl brand, even in your absence, we have felt assured that it's a worthwhile project to pursue and improve and develop; thanks-to-yooou :)
Thats awesome, ive always wanted to come to Nevada !
Now you have a home to make your own. Decide what you would bring with you..?
Well said hun, love it i used to go raven all the time in Atl !
no, really really hot, n dusty!
All my friends who have praised Burning Man for years, none of them ever mentioned the fabulous babe factor. Clearly they were holding something back!
Babe Factor 10! haaa
One of the Best Things is watching these Girls Dance!
This post is full plagiarism, how can you claim photography by @ravegirl ,when all your photos where taken from Scott London
Copy-Paste signature error has been updated in most recent posts; PART 4
Thanks @steemcleaners for highlighting the mistake :)