Thanks, I've been around all this for a very long time.. the tech movers and shakers are like my extended family.. With Uncle Microsoft definitely being the one we don't like to talk about. lol
By the way, I notice you have a few witness votes spare - I would be eternally grateful if you would consider adding me to your list of recipients... I have a lot of good stuff planned for Steem this year, but I need all the help I can get.
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What kinds of things do you have planned?
I have a background as a system architect and developer and have worked making systems for international investment banks, social software and various other industries. I have also put over 10 years into learning about holistic balance in systems, self and life - with the intention of finding real balance that works for everyone and that actually feels good instead of being annoying or just downright lame.
I have looked at Steem's flaws and its strong points over the last couple of years and written numerous posts about it. The main points of action I see being needed are:
Barriers to entry: Signing up, getting support and getting good work discovered are a big challenge/headache that is beyond most people's time budget. Steemit Inc. are in the process (Allegedly) of solving some of this, but I want to specifically see post discovery and signup dramatically improved. I am limited in my ability to solve this because I am not part of the team who is actually coding/producing the software, but I am opening to adding pull requests in Github (or somewhere else.. lol) if I think they will actually get actioned.
Providing features/tools that Steemit inc. are not providing: I have been quite concerned since early on at the rate at which new features and fixes get implemented to Given the budget available, I would have expected things to have moved on dramatically quicker here. There may be solid reasons for this, but I haven't really heard or seen them. My solution so far has been to gradually build up my own site that has useful features on it that are needed and missing from steemit and other sites.
Marketing Steem: There appears to be no actual marketing dept. at Steemit inc. - so much so that @promo-steem have had to take on the task themselves with private funding. They are having great success and forging connections with governments and organisers of major conferences. I help them from time to time and am in the process of connecting successful artists and creatives with the promotion of Steem.
There are other issues too, of course, but these are the ones most in my mind at the moment.
I have created steem ocean as a place to provide missing tools and data for the Steem blockchain and have a big list of things to add in the future that have been requested or that I have thought of. Currently I am very busy, but intend to get this done asap. The more support I have from witness votes, the more time I can put into things like this.
I also have a concept for an entirely new UI for Steem that implements an upgrade to the idea of 'proof of brain' that might solve a lot of the problems we have with regards imbalance and 'reward pool rape' etc.
I have partially made a design document, but I don't want to put more time into it until I know what's happening with SMTs and communities here - as they might mean I need to change the idea a lot.
My background and connections in music/media and other industries means I have a lot to offer and a lot of creative ideas here - I just need more timespace to act on them and that means being dedicated full time. I can't currently do that with my current level of witness payouts - but I am not that far away. :)
Also, in case you are interested - 3 of the top 19 witnesses are currently voting for me. Including one you vote for - Tim Cliff. Teamsteem hasn't yet free'd up a slot for me but he has said he thinks my posts are some of the very best on Steemit.. I'll keep nudging him from time to time ;)
Awesome! Thanks so much for your vote - It means a lot. :)
Also, I made a post on this issue of Github to see if I can rally the world into creating a blockchain replacement for it :)