Lots of neat equipment you have here @moderndayhippie ! I was looking at my local shop the other day for some new accessories.
The main reason I like cannabis
It keeps my migraines away and makes me A LOT less hyperactive during the daytime and helps me to focus and be more creative. Cannabis both curbs the headaches and prevents the onset of them which is great because I have yet to find a reliable pharmaceutical that does the same thing in almost 0 time. CBD is pretty good too but I like the edibles of those.
congratulations, your a winner :)
Instead of doing multiple giveaways I am making everyone who entered in this giveaway a winner!
get ahold of me on discord this week and we will get you everything worked out. (I have the same name on discord)
Hey hippie thanks for picking me! I sent you a message on discord.
Message me @moderndayhippie my discord name is @dubvdave #8211