
Successful Send of 501
Sending Account: hashclouds
Receiving Account: dbzfan4awhile
New sending account balance: 972775
New receiving account balance: 500
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 2cb5fc4f08baa4a8994497547fe11dd0ac221fbb
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and right now I am running this code.

I resteemed it as well.


Appteciate it!

Successful Send of 501
Sending Account: hashclouds
Receiving Account: dbzfan4awhile
New sending account balance: 970772
New receiving account balance: 1000
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 31794d204676e99c4041fccc7b1baaeb0c36fbee
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and right now I am running this code.