Interesting topic. Sometimes I skip dinner if my lunch is later in the day, after 4pm. However if I stay late somewhere around midnight I go in food frenzy mode and it's very hard not to take anything. But if I go for something sweet I will not sleep well at all.
It's individual habits I guess. For me it's balanced food from around the spectar. I've also noticed with skipping dinner I can easily regulate body weight.
Being awake late at night usually requires more battery juice lol. Instead of carbs eat something with extra fat ( if possible avoid saturated fats, they are horrible), it requires more to digest so it won't go to the storage and it will also make you sleepy.
If I stay awake late I do that with spicy leafy salads with bacon/avocado/eggs or a similar combination. Medium scarce portion. I sleep like a rock afterward and I didn't notice any increase in weight.
If I eat sugar, sweet stuff, or any sort of a big amount of carbs late, the result is the opposite and I feel very bad in the morning.