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RE: Honolulu's 100 % Free SBD giveaway #2 - 14/09/2017 - Payoutreport + New 100 % SBD-Giveaway - Just upvote to enter ! - Check my blog for more Giveaways ;) !

in #giveaway7 years ago

Yes, of course... just look at the editor and exchange the picture Link ;)

there is something like ! [xxx] (xxx) but all without space between... just did it because otherwise you not see it - understand ?

you have to insert the link of the new uploaded picture in the round brackets ()

Got it ? ask again if not ;)


Done edited but i guess i mess.up.

I saw... but I guess... you will find the mistake, right ? just some () too much... you can edit as often as you want ;) so no problem... and you see a preview beneath the editor... so it should be quiet easy to get it right... and please insert @honolulu somewhere ;) thanks ;) we can work on it in some hours again... still waiting on some sbd to activate bots ;) soon come...